Thursday, December 29, 2011


     Get rid of your kids for three days and yo too can finish the whole gospel of John!

     After Drew Brees set the record for most passing yards in a season, he gave a speech to his team.  In it, he told them he loved them like three times, he told them they were all a part of this record, he told them that he couldn't think of a better group of guys to share this with.  They are a team.  He is for them, they are for him.  Everything they do, they do together.  He helps them.  They help him!
      As I read this morning, I got the same feeling about me and Jesus.  (Little known fact: They used to call Drew Brees "Breesus" when he had long hair, so he cut it!).  But, over and over, Jesus tells his disciples that He's with them.  Over and over He tells them that they will stick together till the end of time.  Over and over He tells them about the great things they are going to do together. 
     Here's the great news!  If you're reading this, YOU'RE A DISCIPLE TOO! Jesus is with you!  Jesus and you are gonna stick together for all of eternity!  Jesus and you are going to do great things! 
     Heck, we all mess up.  We all lack a little bit in the talent areas.  We all do some stupid stuff.  But, Jesus assures us - it's not about us....and it's not only about Him.  It's about both of us working together - and He's not leaving no matter what! 
     So, ask Jesus what He wants to do today, and then have a blast doing it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


     Whenever I use these words, the family gets a little nervous: TWO CHOICES (It's a long story!  Actually, it's not a long story, just very inappropriate!)
      But, I read another 5 chapters in John today, and for a book that has a whole lot of Yoda-like ways to say stuff, things really start to make sense.
      You're either with Him or against Him.  Your father is either God or Satan.  You are either of the Spirit or the Flesh.  You either have life or have a lie. 
     There really are only two choices - and nothing in this world matters!  Ok, I shouldn't say that.  There are things in this world that matter: family, friends, fantasy football.  But, Jesus makes it perfectly clear that what is really important is THE KINGDOM!  It changes everything!
      As I was reading, it hit me - the best thing I can do today is choose to follow the one who gives life.  I think I'm going to do that.

Monday, December 26, 2011


     Almost a year-ago today, five of us sat around a table, did shots of Cockta and made New Year's Resolutions.  I had eight of them: Only one Speedway a week, have Bob over for dinner once a month, one day a week with no sports radio - I won't go on because I didn't keep a one of them.....EXCEPT: READ ALL THE GOSPELS. 
     I've only got John to go, and if I read 4 chapters a day I can meet my goal.  So, today I read five and I figured I should give the same grace to people who are out there.
     Here's my deal:  Pick one Resolution that you made on Dec 31, 2010 and do it for the next five days.  Then, COUNT IT!  At least get one in!  We should all accomplish one of our goals from last year before setting some new ones to break in 2012!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


"Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?" Luke 24:5
     The starting line is Christmas.  God comes to man.  He comes to live with us so as to    know what it's like to be human!  He let's us see how He would act if He was in our place.
     The finish line is Easter.  Jesus rises from the dead.  He shows His power.  He shows our hope.  He gives us eternal life.
     As we celebrate Christmas let us do so in light of both the start and the finish.  But wait.....
     CHRISTMAS ISN'T THE STARTING POINT, EASTER ISN'T THE END!  God has been working through people for thousands of years before and after each.  The story of Christmas is not just about Jesus - it's God with us!  We are all in this together.  The story of Christmas is still going, we are still writing it with our lives, worked out in harmony with God's.  

"You must be the only person in Jerusalem who hasn't heard about all the things that have happened over the last few days."  
"What things?" Jesus asked.
     Do you think Jesus had a little smart-aleck in Him?  I guess it depends on how you "see" Him saying this, but in my mind he's got a little Mr. Roper smile on his face as He says this.  Later, he even says, "You foolish people!"  Jesus either has an edge or is just the fun-loving, likes to joke around, isn't afraid to bust a little ____________ kind of guy.  I'll take a little of the former with a whole bunch of the later; because that would make Him a lot more like me.

"And they spent all of their time in the temple praising God."  - Luke 24:53
       Guess what the disciples did after they realized Jesus had risen from the dead.  All day, every day - praising God at the temple.  
       Guess what we all know too.  The good news is that we don't have to go to the temple.  We can praise God at school, our workplace, the Jewel or in our own homes.  And we don't have to do it solely with song, prayers and Bible reading.  We have our hands, our feet, our mouths, our brains!  We can praise God by the way we treat others, by what we decide to do!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Luke 22:1-24:1

     Do you have something that you always get excited about?  I do!  These are no fail, no doubt about it, no matter the day or time - I wake up looking forward to these things:

1) Football on Sundays
2) Reading about football on Sundays.
3) Having time to just be by myself.
4) Enjoying that free time at McDonalds with my laptop.
5) Enjoying a frosty Coca-Cola; especially if it's at McDonalds during that free time!
6) Having enough time at the gym where I don't have to rush.

     Again, if I wake up and one of those things is going to happen, I am ready to go.  I wake up with a good feeling in my belly.  In fact, I look forward to it for some days in advance.
     But, what happens when these things don't do it anymore?  What if I'm dropping off my kids with our friends, going to the gym, having free time at McDonalds, reading about football on a Fantasy Football Sunday.....AND I'M STILL NOT EXCITED!  What if the things that excite you all the time don't?  All the things that usually put you in a good mood aren't working.
     That's where I was at today.  So, I still went to McDonalds, ordered a pop, brought my laptop.  But instead of reading Matthew Berry's "Love / Hate" column (a fantasy football article), I popped in my headphones, turned on some Christmas music and read about the Jesus dying on the cross.  As I type this, I feel a lot better, and I may even be a bit more excited about those other things too!

P.S. I know the things that excite me are immature and silly - don't judge me!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.  But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, so that your faith should not fail." - Luke 22:31-32

     Is it troubling that Satan is trying to sift each of us like wheat?  I don't even know what that means, but it freaks the heck out of me.  Think about it.  There is a actual prince of darkness that wants bad stuff to happen to you.  There is an angel who wants nothing more to destroy you.  It would seems to me that we can't win that battle.
     But then here comes Jesus!  He's praying for us!  He's on our side!  He wants us to win!  As troubling as it is that Satan is trying to sift us, it's ten times more encouraging that Jesus doesn't want it to happen.  
     There is a battle going on, and it's a battle over us.  That's a fact, and it's a little creepy.  However, Jesus got our back.  That's also a fact and it makes everything else not even matter.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


The Last Supper - Luke 22:7-30

     That was the title of the section I was "supposed" to read today.  This year, I've been going through the Gospels, and today, a week and a half before Christmas, The Last Supper comes up.  My initial thought is, "I don't want to read about that!  It's Christmas, I want to read about something happy.  Give me a Jesus healing the blind guy or how we are more important than the flowers."  But, there it was.  So, I read it.
     And you know what?  I realized that's the cool thing about Christmas.  God came to be a man - knowing that The Last Supper was at the end of Luke.  God came to be a man - knowing the end of the story.  Kind of like our own lives- the joy of the beginning is mixed with the sorrow of the end, but they all matter.  They all make a life!  Read on!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WHAT IF.....

But before all this happens there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors, because you are my followers.- Luke 21:12

     What if today was the day?  What if some craziness started happening and anyone who followed Jesus was attacked?  What if, because of your faith, you could be killed?  What if you had to appear before large groups of people and stand up for what you believe?
      Today is a good day.  Christmas is coming!  We think about being with family.  Each day we enjoy the fact that we basically have the freedom to do most everything we want.
     However, a day is coming.  That day will not be so good.  Our faith will be put to the test.  We will have to decide what it is we really believe in!

Monday, December 12, 2011



While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich peole dropping their gifts in the collection box.  Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.  "I tell you the truth," Jesus said, "this poor widow has given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has." - Luke 21:1-4

Sometimes the story just speaks for itself!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Beware of these teachers of the religious law! - Luke 20:26

     Know anybody like this?  They like to tell you about all the great things they've done, but never ask you about what you're doing.  They like to brag about how much they go to church or help the poor, but would be the last person there if you needed a favor.  They will give a huge amount of money to a cause, but when some tough manual labor is required - adios!
     I am very weary of teachers of the religious law in my life.  They drain me!  They get me angry! They make me see why there are so many people outside the Kingdom!
     But, I guess the trick is not to focus so much on them and instead realize what inside of me is "teachers of the religious law."  Then, change it!

Friday, December 9, 2011


"Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think" - Luke 20:21

     QUIZ TIME!  Who said those words:
     a) Mary the mother of Jesus
     b) Jesus's folowers (it should be apostrophe s)
     c) The disciples
     d) The religious leaders who hated Jesus
      I don't know if they were just trying to butter him up, trying to start with that before they tricked him, trying to be sarcastic - but they said it!  It must have been a pretty widly known connoatation of Jesus - He spoke and taught what was right and wasn't influenced by the thoughts of others.
      That's what Jesus's enemies said of Him.  It would be nice if anyone said that of us!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


After that He taught daily in the temple... - Luke 19:47

    When Jesus woke up was He ever like, "Well, I think I should do this, but I don't know?"
     Did He ever get a gut feeling and think, "Huh, I wonder if I should really do this?"
     Was there a day when He would get out of bed and say, "I have no idea what is going to happen today, but I sure do hope I make the right decisions?"
     Did Jesus just know exactly what He was supposed to do at every moment?  Did He ever doubt?  Did He hope that the things  he said or did were the right things?  Did He ever "gamble" and just go for it?  Did He go through a day thinking thoughts like we do?
      A lot of us wake up and our goal really is to do what God would want us to do.  But, a lot of us struggle to know what that is.  It gets messy and confusing and downright hard sometimes to know.  I just wonder if Jesus felt the same thing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WHAT THE......

Before he left, he called together ten of his servants... - Luke 19:13

     Remember that story about the three servants who get money?  One invests it and gets double the amount back.  One invests it and make a little more.  One hides it and returns with what he got.  The master goes off on the third one and then calls everyone in who didn't want him to be king.......AND KILLS THEM ALL!
     OK, that killing part is a little troublesome, but you know what's more troubling - THERE WERE TEN PEOPLE WHO GOT MONEY.  Get out your Bible!  No really go get out your Bible and read from Luke 19:13 to the end of the story.  The king gave ten people money.  So, why does he only "collect" from three?  Did he just stop when the dude didn't make any money for him?
      I get the point of the whole thing - we are supposed to use our talents that God gives us.  What I don't get is why they start with ten and only talk about three.  
      I know Jesus used His words carefully, so there must be a reason He mentions ten at the start, but we mysteriously lose 7 of them.  Maybe you know.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


"I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!" - Luke 19:8

     I was just doing some research on A Christmas Carol.  This should have been obvious, but Charles Dickens was originally was going to write an expository essay on the evils of the greedy not sharing in the face of extreme poverty during the 1600's in London.  Instead, he wrote this story.
     Scrooge represented the many wealthy people who lived comfortably while many others struggled even to put food on the table - literally!  In fact, you might say he robbed. cheated and disgraced many people for the love of money.
     Rewind 1500 years or so!  Zaccheus rips people off as a tax collector.  When he meets Jesus he decides to give all that money back and take some more and help the poor. 
     Hmmmm!  I wonder where Charles Dickens got his idea from!
     I've got an idea.  We should all read A Christmas Carol before December 25th (I just say that because 1/2 of my clas is reading it, so I have to anyway!)

Friday, December 2, 2011



     We were at on-line church yesterday (don't ask), and, as it always does, Tim Tebow came up.  However, this time we didn't just gush over and over about how he led his team to victory....again!  This time my bro asked, "Do you think he talks too much?"
      That was a good question.  There have been times that it seems like he "forces" the Jesus thing.  But, the dude is like 20 something years old.  If he hasn't figured out the perfect balance of when to talk and when to let his walk do the talking, let's give him a little slack.
      That led to a better question though, "Should we be talking more?"
      I don't know about you, but I try not to push Jesus.  I try to let my actions speak for themselves.  I am not afraid to talk about Jesus, but I don't mention it often in typical conversations.  To be honest, that leads to not talking much about Him.
       Is that right?  I don't know.  Heck, I'm 40 and still trying to figure out when to talk and when to let my walk do the talking. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


He will be handed over to the Romans, and He will be mocked, treated shamefully, and spit upon.  They will flog Him with a whip and kill Him, but on the third dayHe will rise again. - Luke 18:32-33

      Would you really want to know your future?  Would you really want to know what is going to happen to you - the good and the bad? 
     I am not sure I would.  As I was reading this today, it struck me that Jesus had to live every day in light of the fact that at some point He was going to be brutally beaten.  That had to make it a little tough to have some PMA at the start of every day!
     I kind of like the fact that I don't know.  I kind of like waking up each morning with the rest of the day being an adventure.  I really like thinking about what I'll be doing ten years from now....and having no clue.
     Jesus didn't have that.  He was forced to wake up every day knowing the He was going to the cross.  I wonder if He would have rather not.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


But when the man heard this he became sad, for he was very rich. - Luke 18:23

     He made the mistake of asking Jesus the question.  "What should I do to get into heaven?"  Jesus told him the basics, but then dropped the whopper - "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor!"
      This guy was rich.  Jesus hit him right where it hurt.  He went right after the one thing that was in front of God - money!
       What is that thing for you?  I would tell you mine, but you'd just laugh.  But, what is that thing for you?  What is the one thing Jesus could ask you to do that would cause you to be sad?
     I'm not saying to give that thing up.  I'm just wondering out loud if it needs to become less important in our lives.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. - Luke 18:16

     As a teacher, often times I feel like the job is so much better when the children aren't there.  I get a lot more "work" done.  As a parent, I look forward to the times when my children are playing with their friends or at somebody else's house.  Then I get to do what I want to do.
     Just a little reminder to all of us parents / teachers out there - KIDS ARE WHAT MATTER!  Jesus is telling us that we can learn from kids.  Kids are not a distraction.  Kids are who remind us about the Kingdom.  Don't push them away - bring them on!  It's all about kids.
     Pretty good reminder as we buy them gifts, put up trees and plan holiday celebrations - LET'S MAKE THE MOST OF THE TIME WE HAVE WITH OUR CHILDREN!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. - Luke 18:14

     They had to call in the cops to break up a fight....over a waffle iron!  I heard the story from a couple of the people at the Oswego Wal-Mart.  People rush to the stores, wait in crazy amount of get a $10 gift card which they will later use for slippers!  (Ok, that was me!)  It seems like Black Friday gives people an excuse to think, "What about me?" 
     Yesterday, I stood in a line for a gift card.  There were people behind me who didn't get a gift card.  I could have given mine up.  I could have said, "What about you?"
     It seems like humbling ourselves, in it's purest form, is just thinking of others before yourself.  It may call us to do something crazy, it may cause us to rethink what the heck we're doing, but it may just make this holiday season a little more enjoyable!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, don't you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? - Luke 18:7

     Let me preface what I am about to write by saying this - I am a child!  My thoughts are selfish and downright immature!  Any normal person who thought the way I do would be, well, not normal!  And in no way should any man, woman or child look at me and follow my thoughts, actions or life in general!
     Saying that......
     On Sunday morning I needed a kicker for my fantasy football team.  I did not want to drop my other kicker because he was the #1 kicker in fantasy.  Hey, wake up!  The tale gets better.  I also did not want to drop any of my other players because I thought they might have great futures (like Damian Williams who caught one ball for 16 yards).  Still awake?  So, I DROPPED KEVIN SMITH.
      I've always loved Kevin Smith.  I don't know why, just have.  And when the Lions put him on their roster I snatched him up in a second.  In fact, on Thursday of last week I said, "There is no way I am dropping Kevin Smith!"  But then, I hit that dreaded button, the button that has no remorse, and I dropped him for Rob Bironas.
      Kevin Smith went on to have over 200 yards and 3 touchdowns!  And now he's gone.  There's no getting him back.
      Ever since then, there's this pain in my stomach.  Even in my greatest times, I go back to that decision and think, "What if?"  It haunts me like buying a bad car or choosing a bad college major.
     So, I am praying day and night that somehow Kevin Smith ends up back on my team, and I'm gonna see if maybe I bug God enough He'll make it happen. 

Monday, November 21, 2011


If you cling to your life,you wll lose it, and if you let your life go, you wll save it. - Luke 17:33

     Jesus is talking about the end of the world, and guess what He says is important.  Family? Nope!  He says that when it comes you shouldn't even reeturn home if you are in the field.  Material possessions? Nope!  He says that you shouldn't try to go down and pack up your stuff.  Work? Nope!  He says to leave the field, get off the roof!
     In between all these things not to do, Jesus adds one we should: If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.
     As we go throughout our day, what's the most important thing we can do?  Whatever God wants, whatever others want!

Friday, November 18, 2011


"Didn't I heal ten men?  Where are the other nine?" - Luke 17:17

     Think about all the things Jesus could have said there.  "Isn't that great that you came back!"  "Even though no one else came, you did.  That means a lot!"  "I am going to bless you even more because you came back!"  "You are awesome!" 
      Instead, when He heals ten people and only one comes back, the guy gets - "Whoa, where is everyone else?"
     For the last couple days Jesus has been raising the bar for me.  If we put others before ourselves - that's not a big deal.  It's what we should be doing.  If we are thankful - so what.  It's what we should be doing.  In the day of positive rewards and "catching kids being good" it's cool to see Jesus saying, "Where are the other nine?"  It helps me to remember that this is what we should be doing.  He expects it!  He's surprised when it doesn't happen.  Maybe we should be too!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance forgive." - Luke 17:3

     Everyone knows the Bible verse - Even if a person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.  Seven times seventy!  But, do you know the verse that is right before it?  (It's written in red, right above this paragraph - why else would I write it up there?)
     Did you notice the word believer?  In fact, as I was typing, I noticed another word - and each time turns (ok, that's four words).  It seems like there are some stipulations to forgiveness.
     I've always believed the forgiveness was more for the person who forgives than the person who is forgiven.  It's cleanses us, it gives us freedom.  And so, we should forgive everyone.  Now I'm not so sure.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, dos his master say, "Come in and at with me?"  No, he says, "Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat.  Then you can eat later." And does the master thank the serant for doing what he was told to do?  Of course not.  In the same way, when you obey me you should say, "We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty." - Luke 17:7-10

     I just had a goofy thought!  Slavery was o.k. 
     For 14,780 or so days (yes, I did just calculate how many days I've been alive), I've thought about the ills of slavery.  Restricting of freedom, denial of opportunity, loss of respect. 
     But, isn't that what Jesus is asking us to do?  Isn't He asking us to become a slave. We give up our rights, give up our freedom, give up our opportunity....SO THAT WE CAN BE FOCUSED ON GIVING OTHERS THOSE THINGS.
     This is just me thinking out loud (or actually quietly since I'm only typing), but maybe this is why Jesus didn't speak out about slavery.  Maybe He thought slaves were actually ahead of the game.
      Do I think anyone should be forced into slavery? NO!  Do I think people should willingly become slaves? YES! 

Monday, November 14, 2011


And besides, there is a great chasm separating us.  No ne can cross over to you from here, and no none can cross over to us from there. - Luke 16:26

     Yesterday, we ditched church.  Does it really matter?  I went downstairs to watch a little football.  When my daughter called for help on a project, I continued watching football.  Does it really matter?  I rushed my girls to bed (partly because they needed sleep, partly because I wanted to go to Speedway for a 44 ouncer).  Does it really matter?  I just spent a whole Sunday trying to figure out how I was going to watch more football.  Does it really matter?  I stayed up late watching football even though I had to get up early for school the next day?  Does it really matter?
     Sometimes I forget that we are eternal!  Sometimes I forget that the decisions we make, the actions we choose have eternal significance - not only for us, but for those around us.  When we see good that we could do and don't do it - that matters!  When we see someone in need and don't help - that matters!  When we have the chance to put others in front of ourselves and don't - it  matters.
      This was a good reminder!


Thursday, November 10, 2011


If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones." - Luke 16:10

     I use this verse a lot.  I like to do the little things well - pick up garbage on the street.  Treat the check-out people with respect.  Truly listen when people come to talk to me.  Partly I do it because it's the right thing to do, and partly I've always kind of had this verse in mind.  If I do the little things well, when God gives me the big things I'll do great with them too.
      But, what if I don't want the big things?  What if I am happy enough just leading an average, normal everyday life with no stress, no pressure, no tough decisions and no hard work?  It struck me that this verse comes right after Jesus talks about the shrewd manager who cuts everyone's bill in half.
      Do you think He was trying to see how smart we were - If you don't do the little things very well, then you won't have to worry about the real challenging stuff?  So, if we slack off then we can live the American dream of relaxation, enjoyment and freedom?
     Do I really want the bigger things?  Do I have the passion and drive to do the really great stuff?  Do I even want the stress?  Those are good questions!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison - your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even your own life. - Luke 14:26

     I love the Bears!  I love them!  When they stopped the Eagles on fourth and 10 last night, I couldn't have been more excited if my numbers came up in the Lottery.  I love the Bears!  I love them so much more than any other team in the NFL!  Luisa, Grace and Sofia might even say I love them more than my own family!  I just love the Bears!  No other team elicits the same response as the Bears!
     Do I love Jesus like that?  Do I love Jesus so much more than anyone else?  Do I get more excited about Him than any other thing that could happen in my life?
     Unfortunately, I think we would all have the same answer.  But, that's exactly the type of love Jesus is saying is required for us to be people of Salt (If you don't understand what that means, read Luke 14!)

Monday, November 7, 2011


When you are invited to a wedding feast, don't sit in the seat of honor.  What if someone who i more distinguished than you has also been invited?  The host will come and say, "Give this person your seat."....Instead, take the lowest place at the foot of the table.  Then when your host sees you, he will come and say, "Friend, we have a better place for you!" - Luke 14:8-10

     My old principal, Bill Able, used to always park in the parking spot farhtest from the door so that everyone else could have the closer spots. I took about two years off, but started doing it again at school.  What a great way to start my day, reminding myself, that my job is to put others in front of myself. 
     Later on, Jesus goes on to say that our reward will come in heaven.  It's not our job to make our life easier now.  It's our job to try and make other's lives easier.
     So, go find that last spot - in the parking lot, in the home, at your job....wherever!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers!  How often I hae wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me." - Luke 13:14

         I have a conversation in the mailroom yesterday where I might have done a little TMI.  Another teacher asked me if I was overwhelmed with grading and report cards. 
        "Report cards?.......No!  Overwhelmed?.....Yes!" 
        She asked me a little more about that, and I said, "Well, I just feel like when these kids don't succeed it's my fault." 
        That's a little deeper than mailroom conversations usually go.  But, I said it and I honestly feel that way.  I am the teacher and it's my job to turn these fifth graders into better people than when they came into my room.
        In fact, yesterday I was thinking about that comment and had a couple thoughts go into my mind.  One, I gotta loosen up a bit.  There is no way I can positively affect every kid.  Two, I've gotta do better.  There must be a way to motivate these children.
       It comforted me to see that Jesus had the same type of thoughts.  He didn't affect everyone in a positive way.  A ton of his "students" didn't become better people.  A ton of his "students" weren't motivated.  That didn't mean He stopped trying or through in the towel.  But, He also didn't think of it as His fault.  Jesus handled "failure" perfectly!

Friday, November 4, 2011


     "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you will try to enter and not be able to." - Luke 13:24

     Last night, while being a part of an on-line church service, I realized I had not written about my daughters in a couple months.  For as long as Grace and Sofia have been alive, I've been writing a book about what they do every day...or every other day....or every other month when I forget.  But, I just checked, and I haven't written anything since July.  That's when I realized something had to change.
     Sure, this job takes up a lot of time and mental energy, but we all have jobs.  Sure, it doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day to do everything I need to, but we all are faced with the business of life.  Sure, all I want to do when I come home is sleep, but there is no one who gets enough sleep.  What I came to realize last night is that there are things that shouldn't be compromised - your family, your relationship with God, your fantasy football team (hey, I'm 5-3 and in the playoff hunt!)
     Now, do I think writing about my daughters makes me a great dad or typing out these goofy blogs makes me a better follower of Jesus?  Kind of, because it starts off my day with the right frame of mind, and more importantly connects me with my buddy who I've kind of been forgetting.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


41“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed.† Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” - Luke 10:41-42

Anyone that has been in church for more than three weeks knows where we're going!
I got a job! In case you haven't heard the news, Tony Melton doesn't get to wake up every day and decide IF he wants to go to work. He doesn't get to go home at 3:30, turn off his brain and focus on greater things - like fantasy football. He doesn't get to sleep!
For the last two weeks, I've been running around trying to prepare stuff for these 27 awesome students that are in my class. There have been nights when I've found myself at Madison School when the clock struck 2:30......a.m.
The kind of cool thing is that I've totally been focused on others. My whole thought process revolves around, "What am I going to do to make sure these students have the best day they possibly can?" The kind of uncool thing is that I've been wrapped around Martha stuff and forgotten about Mary.
I wake up, go to the gym, go to school, maybe bring work home, go back to school and then go to bed. Notice what's missing there? PRAYER! I've been so busy getting ready for these students that I've missed the one thing that's going to help them most.
What I noticed today (while I was praying) is that the kids I have in my class are not going to be transformed by lesson plans. They're not going to be transformed by technology. They're not going to be transformed by grades on a math test. Only God can transform - and not only them, but my own kids, my own wife and me!
So, if you get a minute - pray for 27 kids in Room 410 at Madison....and while you're at it, say one for four more kids at 306 S. Lombard.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


If anyone would come after me, he mut deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. - Luke 9:23

     I remember giving the Purpose Driven Life to one of my friends at work.  She said, "Tony I can't read this."
     When I asked, "Why?" she replied, "Look at the first line - It's not about you!"  She couldn't come to grips with that statement..
     Really, how many of us can?  Really, if we're honest, how many of us wake up thinking about what somebody else is going to do that day?  How many of us think about all the things somebody else has to do?  How many of us think about what somebody else is going to have for dinner?
      Not me!  C'mon, not you either!
      But, I think what Jesus is asking us to do is consider that "It's not about us!"  I think He would want us to take baby steps toward not even thinking about ourselves.  There are a lot of keys in the "Treating People Like Jesus Does" keychain, but this is a biggie.  Our selfless attitude is where it all starts. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011


"Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.".....They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. - Luke 9:14, 17

     Lot of neat little details here!  First, Jesus has them sit in groups of about fifty.  (Cool that he said "about."  I can just see the disciples counting off 1-2-3...ok, just get in a group!)  Second, The disciples picked up the leftovers.  Now, there were five-thousand people there.  I guess Jesus was not big into waisting food either.  Third, there were twelve basketfuls of leftovers.  Don't you think Jesus could have made just enough.  If He's powerful enough to produce it, you'd think He be knowledgable enough to know the quantities.
      Do you get what Jesus did?  He didn't just provide food for their bodies - he provided food for their souls.  He got people into groups, He gave them a lot of food!  Think about those groups of about fifty talking about what had just happenend.  Think about how they must have sat around for hours eating and sharing their thoughts.  Think about what Jesus did there......and then do it yourself!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace......"Stop wailing," Jesus said, "She is not dead but asleep." - Luke 8:48,52

     The whole family took the annual trek (ok, maybe we've missed it the last three annuals) to prepare Mr. Melton's classroom for the upcoming school year.  It's a day filled with excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm.....until you get started.  And then you realize you haven't put in a lot of thought to where everything should go.  And then you realize there is just a ton of junk here.  And then you realize that all the stuff your kids were supposed to do doesn't work.
     I had this plan where everything would get put where it's supposed to, the whole family would enjoy every second and we'd come out of there with a fully-functional-Fifth-grade classroom.  Not so much.
     And so I got frustrated.  Every time something distracted me from the "goal" I felt a little more frustration setting in.
     You know what wouldn't have been frustrated? Jesus!  Or maybe he was, but He handled it a whole lot better. 
     Check out our two stories today.  He's walking to teach some folks and a lady has the audacity to try to get Him to heal her.  He's on another journey and someone wants to take time out of His busy day to heal his dead daughter.  C'mon!
      Guess what I just realized?  Maybe the reason Jesus handled distractions so well is that He realized the importance of each situation.  He knew how much this stuff mattered to this lady and this man. 
      I just heard this at Community Christian Church "If it matters to you, it matters to me."  They were talking about God's relationship to us, but why should our relationship with other people be any different.
      We're gonna get distracted from our "goals."  But, maybe if we can remember it's not our "goals" that are important, it won't be so frustrating.  We might even start treating people like Jesus did.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. - Luke 8:22-23

OK, so I'm cliche (how do you spell that word?). I'm going to use the old "Jesus calms the storms in our life" message. Give me some slack, I was up until 3am working on tech stuff for school.
But, you ever have a storm in life? (Here we go) Ever have a time when things are just not working out, or that seems like a lotta bad is happening? Ever feel like there's no hope or there's no chance of something good coming out of this?
I think that's where the disciples were....and they called on Jesus. Now, I don't know about you, but I"ve never stopped a storm. I know for a fact, those disciples hadn't either (or else they wouldn't have had to bother Jesus).
And in life, there are just some things, some relationships that you just can't "calm." Some people and some situations are going to require you to call out to Jesus and say, "We're about to drown!"
If we realize that, it is possible that the storm might just be calmed! (OK, it's over. That was painless, wasn't it?)

Friday, August 5, 2011


My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.  - Luke 8:21

     For the Title today, I began to type, "JESUS FIRST!"  Then, as I thought about it, that's not what Jesus is saying.  He is pumping up the value of anyone who follows Him.  Jesus is saying, "How you treat people, all people, is real important!"  Heck, that's kind of like what we're doing with this blog right now - trying to figure out how to treat people like Jesus did.  Interesting!
     I do wonder what Jesus did right after He said this.  Did He go to His mom and brothers and be like, "Just joking guys, you're my mom and bros!"?  After He said that, did He stop what He was doing and go hang out with mom and brothers?  
     I guess that doesn't really matter.  What does matter is how we value people - especially those people who are trying to build the kingdom.  That's our family, and I guess Jesus is saying, just as important, or maybe more, than our biological family.  Hmmmm, now that's gonna take some time to chew on.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed.  Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.  for there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.  Therefore, CONSIDER CAREFULLY HOW YOU LISTEN! - Luke 8:16-18

     Jesus is talking about how you let your light shine, and then He talks about how everything you do, everything you think, everything you do in private will be brought out into the open.  To me, that's some pretty big stuff - using your talents and making sure everything you do is something you wouldn't mind millions of people seeing on t.v.
      But, then He throws in the whammy!  Since this is so huge.....CONSIDER CAREFULLY HOW YOU LISTEN!  Listening?  That's the key? 
      If I really want to follow Jesus, I should watch how I listen?  Maybe that's a good idea with other people too!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A farmer went out to sow his seed.  As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up.  Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants.  Still other seed fell on good soil.  It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred time more than was sown. - Luke 8:5-8

     We take a little break from learning how to treat people, for this one question - Who are you?  Has your seed been trampled?  Has your seed been withered?  Has your seed been choked?  Or is your seed yielding a crop a hundred times more than was sown?
     Do not be afraid to say "Yes" to the last one!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna, the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod's household; Susanna; and many others. - Luke 8:1-3

     I often wonder, "When Jesus saw a female, what went through his mind?"  I wonder what he thought about them.  Did He think about how pretty they were?  Did He think about how they might help the Kingdom of God?  Did He think about their role in society?  Did He just kind of pass them by because in His day they weren't very important?
     Well, today we get a little glimpse.  Today we see that Jesus, at least in some part, thought of them as disciples.  It struck me, that it wasn't just the twelve who were hanging out with Him - but some women.  It also struck me that it was only the twelve - only the disciples and a bunch of women.
      We never get that picture do we?  We never think about Jesus and his disciples.....and women.  We don't hear too many sermons or read too many books about these women who were with Jesus.  We don't see them in the paintings.
      And maybe that's part of the reason, us, as guys, get a warped view of women.  Maybe we've let society and the media show us how to think about women instead of thinking about them how Jesus did.  Maybe we could learn from Jesus, and have the first thing that pops into our head when we see a woman pass by on the street be - DISCIPLE!
      Just a thought!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I came into your house.  You did not gie me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  You did not gie me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet.  You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. - Luke 7:44-46

    You ever wanted to give someone a huge hug, but didn't think it was the right place or too many people around?  You were afraid of what they might think.  You ever wanted to write some mushy, gushy note of encouragement, but were afraid of how the person receiving the note might respond?  You ever wanted to just heap praise after praise on a person but were a little timid to do that with someone you didn't know very well? 
     Have you ever been afraid to do something for someone that you knew would honor them?
     It seems like we have two people in our Bible story today - one who has forgotten how to make people feel special and one who realizes they are in the presence of greatness.  One doesn't even welcome his guest much less do the little things like wash their feet or greet them with a kiss.  The other wipes his feet with her hair pours perfume all over them.  One, it seems, has just taken for granted the awesomeness of people.  The other realizes, as the song goes, how great is our God!
     Think about this - what if every person you met was Jesus?  What if every person who came into your house was Jesus?  How would you treat them?  I think we all would say we'd love to do the stuff that this woman did.  BUT WE GET AFRAID OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK.
     Here's my advice to you (and myself) - If we feel like God really wants us to do something, just do it.  Don't be afraid! 
     That's it!  Now go back to enjoying the Free Agency Frenzy!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you.  But say the word, and my servant will be healed.  For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me.  I tell this one, "Go" and he goes; and that one, "Come" and he comes.  I say to my servant, "Do this," and he does it.  - Luke 7:8

    "You can do it!"
     The great American classic, Waterboy, turned that phrase into a way of life for many people in the U.S. (and heck probably around the world!).  Every kid from the age of 10-24 could be heard resounding the words, "You can do it!"
     Problem is YOU CAN'T!  Problem is, if you're gonna treat people the way Jesus would, YOU CAN'T DO IT!  I CAN'T DO IT!  I've realized that.  I'm too much into myself.  I'm too angry.  I'm too focused on what I want to do.  To treat people the way I want to be treated - CAN'T DO IT!
     But, Jesus can!  That's what this dude realized.  Jesus could do what he couldn't.  In fact, Jesus could do anything he needed!
     Got a relationship that needs fixing - HE CAN DO IT!  Got some junk inside that needs healing - HE CAN DO IT!  Got some issues that need dealing with - HE CAN DO IT! 
    Have a Great America day!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Why do you call me, "Lord, Lord" and do not do what I say? - Luke 6:46
READ LUKE 6:46-49

      We have a thing called the Koinonia House that we've been partnering with.  It's a place where ex-prisoners go to rebuild their life.  A huge part of the program is a church that comes alongside the guy, mentors him, and welcomes him into their church family.  It's a pretty big commitment; especially for the people who work hands on with the guy.  Well, I was in charge of finding people to do that.....and I failed.  No one, not a one came through.  Then I read this and thought, "Yeah, you tell them Jesus!  Do what Jesus said!" 
       Then, I thought about what I wrote in my journal this morning and read yesterday.  I've got this job situation where if I don't get my certificate renewed - no new job!  So, I was calling all over the place yesterday trying to remember things I'd done five years ago to be a better teacher.  Long story short, this morning I was praying, "Lord, Lord" work this out!" 
       As I began to type this I think that same Lord reminded me that this message could be for me.  Yesterday, we talked about looking at yourself before seeing the speck in another's eye.  Today, I wonder if maybe, just maybe I should look at my role in the Koinonia House thing.  Maybe I should think about if I'm doing what Jesus says before I beg the Lord to help me out.  Maybe I should think, "Is my foundation on sand or a rock!"
       Then, I'll go yell at those other people for not signing up!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Can a blind man lead a blind man? - Luke 6:39
READ LUKE 6:39-45

     I'm a husband, a father, a new 5th Grade Teacher, a teacher at church and the Assistant to the Vice President of the PTA (just throught that one in there to impress you!).  I "lead" a lot of people.....or do I?  Can a blind man lead a blind man?
     When I look at my own life, I see some stuff that is blind man like.  I'm a judger - I admit it!  I shy away from confrontation, I don't intentionally look to form relationships, I get angry quickly.  There's a lot of stuff I do that I wouldn't want my wife, my kids, my students, other PTA members (just impressing you again!) to do!  Can a blind man lead a blind man?
      I bet a lot of us are in the same boat.  We're a lot more blind man than seeing man!  So, do we stop trying to lead people?  Do we stop trying to "bear good fruit" as it says in Luke 6:43?
     No, Jesus's message today is not to shame us for being blind, it's to enlighten us to the truth that we have stuff to work on.....and so does everybody else.  We're all in the same boat here! 
     A good leader recognizes that before he / she tries to change anyone.  A good leader looks at how they can improve themselves before they try to improve others.  A good leader isn't blind to the truth!
     Can a blind man lead a blind man?  No!  So, open your eyes!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.  - Luke 6:35

     I get this one all the time.  "She did it first!"  "But she was mean to me!"  Somehow my daughter's can use that to justify their actions. 
     Luckilly, this doesn't only happen with eight and ten year-olds!  Just to make sure things stay even, I know a forty year-old male who does it all the time too.  Isn't it crazy how we all hate our enemies?  Isn't is wacky that everyone is unkind to the ungrateful and wicked?  Wouldn't it be great if we could follow Jesus on this one?
      Maybe you're thinking, "No, not really!"  There's no reason to be cool to someone who had wronged you.  They get what they deserve.  And I get that......but Jesus doesn't.
      He's saying, "Show me something!"  Anyone can be cool to the people that are cool to them.  What separates us as Christ followers is being cool to those who are way uncool to us.
      Let's try that today.  Let's be cool to someone who is really mean to us.  Maybe send them a note, pray for them, say a nice word to someone who goes off on you.  Just see what happens - not to them, but to you!

Friday, July 8, 2011


When morning came, he called his disciples to him and  chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles. - Luke 6:13

     Jesus left some people out!  He didn't pick everyone.  He didn't worry about, "Oh, this guy's feelings might get hurt.  He didn't let everyone be an apostle.  There were actually people that came up to that mountainside and went back down probably feeling rejected.  There were people sitting in that crowd who probably second guessed Jesus and said, "I would have been a much better apostle than that Judas." (They would have been right!)  There were people in that crowd who could have had their names written in the 6th chapter of Luke, but instead went on to a normal, "my name is not in the best-selling book of all time" type of life.  There were people who thought it wasn't fair, who had worked harder than those who were picked, who were better "apostle material."  There were probably people who went away hurt, dejected and and a little angry!
      But Jesus made the tough call.  He had to choose.  You can't have a thousand people at the last supper - that's too many feet to wash.  OK, I joke, but Jesus needed twelve and that's what he picked. 
     Sometimes, if we are going to treat people like Jesus did, we can't worry about hurting feelings.  Sometimes we just have to make our decision and roll with it.  Some people are going to get left out.  Some people will get offended.  But, that's what truth requires.
     That's why I don't make a good Savior!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God. - Luke 6:12

     I've got a simple message today: Pray for your friends!  Pray that you get good friends!  Pray that God helps you choose the right ones!  Pray that the ones you choose will go on to do greater things than yourself!  And while you're at it, you may want to pray for your child's friends, your friend's friends, your spouse's friends.  Everyone needs good friends!
    It worked for Jesus!
See yaaa!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabath. - Luke 6:5

     Today, Jesus reminds us that people are more important than rules.  Folks are hungry - give them some food.  You can help a sick man - do it!  Sounds pretty simple right?  People are what matter!  Easy one, click the red X, done for the day!
     Hold on a second!  It's your daughter's birthday and you've used all your sick days, what do you do?  There's a big event at school, but your work is having a huge deal with some bigwig clients, what do you do?  It's 9 a.m., time for church, and you see a single mom on the side of the road having car trouble, what do you do?  Your daily schedule says "Get up and exercise" but when you get up your daughter is already awake, what do you do?  You have had this conert planned for months and then you get a phone call from your friend about a break-up, what do you do?  Even better, your family is hungry and you have no money.  You are walking around Jewel and see an opportunity to put some food in a bag and keep walking, what do you do?
     I think it's not so easy!  In life, living people first can be a challenge.  There are a lot of rules - some written, some unwritten, that make us do stuff that we normally wouldn't even consider.  I think I speak for everyone when I say, if we were really going to put people in front of everything else, we'd have a lot of tough decisions to make.

Peace Out!

Monday, July 4, 2011


And no one after drinking ld wine wants the new for he says, "The old is better." - Luke 5:39

     OK, so we're supposed to be looking at how to treat people - forget that (at least for a day!).  This bible verse always bugs me.  Old wine, new wine, patches, "the old is better."  What the?
     So, I busted out the iPAD today and did some research.  And I think I've come up with a meaning that I like.  The Pharisees are really getting their undies in a bunch over who Jesus picked as his disciples (read a little before this parable).  Jesus justifies his choice by using this.  You can't teach someone who's already learned the wrong way.  You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
      See, the Pharisee's disciples were trained in the way of the Pharisees.  If Jesus would have chose those guys for His disciples they would have said, "Jesus, you're crazy!"  But, Jesus went to the fisherman and tax collectors - people who had no religious training so that they would not have any bad habits.
     I was talking to a Quarterbacks coach this week.  He said that his ten year-old daughter was easier to teach than his high school players.  She had never developed "wrong ways" to throw a football.  She was COACHABLE!
     That's the take home - ARE WE COACHABLE or have we learned so much of the wrong stuff that we are like the guy who says, "I'm good - I've got it down!"  Because no one after drinking the old wine wants the new.  They say the old is better.
     That's my take, what's yours?  Read this passage and let me know!


Saturday, July 2, 2011


"It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick." - Luke 5:31

     We need to look out for the sick people.  It doesn't make sense to hang out with the folks who are already healthy!  They don't need us.  The sick ones do.  Our lives should be spent finding those who are sick and fixing them up!
     But, then I read this today and realized Jesus was talking to me!  He's saying I'm sick.  I need Him!  And if I'm ever gonna be any good to this world, if I'm ever gonna help anyone live out the Life to the Full that Jesus offers - I better realize I'm the sick one.
      Only then will be I be able to treat people like Jesus treated them.  Only then will I be able to deal with my own junk so that it doesn't affect others.
      I'm out!

Friday, July 1, 2011


"When Jesus saw their faith he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." - Luke 5:20

    OK, so it's been a little while since I've written - I'm sure you've done all right without me!  And hey, who's got time for Bible reading when you're getting a job, going to Puerto Rico and climbing up 40 foot towers with your daughter?  (Actually, let me just publicly thank God - this has been an incredible month!)
     But, I do want to get back - back to hanging out with the One who has an awesome plan and back to figuring out how to live out this Life to the Full that Jesus promised with You!  I was reminded these last four days of how crucial it is to spend time with God, and I was also reminded how crucial it is to do that with a bunch of people you respect and trust and admire - like You!
     So, today I noticed a verse.  I've noticed it before - actually someone else noticed it and I stole their idea.  But, they'll never read this blog so it's ok.  Did you notice that this dude was saved by Jesus......because of their faith!  If you read the story, it's about the guys who drop their buddy through a roof so Jesus can heal him.  The guy is just lying on a mat - it doesn't even say he wanted to see Jesus, knew who Jesus was, thought Jesus could save him.
     Do you know anyone like that?  I wonder if our faith could heal those people!  I wonder if just by asking God, other people could be saved from whatever it is that they need saving from!  I wonder if just by asking God, He would forgive their sins.  I wonder if our connection with the Father has life-changing perks attached to it.
     Let's try this!  Think of someone who doesn't really know Jesus, maybe doesn't even want His help, would never think of asking Jesus to do anything.  You ask Jesus for them.  For one week, I want you to step in and ask Jesus to do something for this person.  Let's see what happens!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Sorry, we're taking a break from our normal Bible breakdown to tell you about my birhthday!!!!!
It started out as a challenge to eat as much free stuff as I could in the 40 hours of my birthday celebration, but it ended up being so much more!

4:30 a.m.: Homeless shelter (eat free Starbucks pastry - donated)
6:20 a.m.: Toast to me with our homeless buddies (I made them do it!)
7:30 a.m.: Stop at Speedway to get 44 oz. Coke (free) and eat my Snickers and Twix (I had that same breakfast when I did my first interview for a job at Madison School and it went well, so I stuck with it!)
8-11 a.m.: Get two notes on napkins from girls wishing me luck.  Get ready for interview at Madison (more later)
11:00 a.m.: Fuddruckers - free burger
12:45 p.m.: Interview (thought it went great - told me they'd call by end of week or start of next week!)
1:30 p.m.: Home Run Inn - free pizza
2:15 p.m.: Baskin Robbins - free ice cream cone
4:30 p.m.: IHOP - free Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity (girls ate most of it....and their meal!)
5:15 p.m.: Red Robin - free Turkey Burger and fries
6:15 p.m.: Browns Chicken - free corn fritters (had to bring 3 home, was about ready to puke!)
7:00 p.m.: Dave and Busters - was supposed to get $10 free, but they wouldn't accept coupon.  We're boycotting Dave and Busters!
7:30 p.m.: Ben and Jerry's - free ice cream cone!  Had to drive all the way to Oak Park to get it, but well worth it!
8:30 p.m.: Get Superman shirt and two cards from girls and Weez!
9-11:30 p.m.: Nap

Midnight: Denny's - free Grand Slam with my bro!  Kind of cool to be driving when it switches to your birthday!
1-3 a.m.: Workout at gym
4 a.m.: Go to bed!
6:30 a.m.: Breakfast in bed from Sofia (she made cereal and water in a Bears cup...all by herself!)
7:15 a.m.: Get call!  THEY OFFER ME 5TH GRADE TEACHING POSITION AT MADISON!  Weez in jumping up and down, girls are screaming!  (Sidenote: I had quit my job at Bardwell 3 years ago to teach in Lombard for a variety of reasons.  It had been three awesome years of subbing - not what I had planned, but worked out great.  Get a call on my birthday, for a school within walking distance of my house, that has a diverse population and it's fifth grade!  I had heard from tons of people who were praying and wishing me luck.  It was like the whole town knew - even Culver's where I spent the day before both interviews prepping.  But, total God thing, Thank You!  More later...) 
7:20 a.m.: Call parents, bro, sis!
7:45 a.m.: Go to Wal-Mart for Superman shirt for Grace (Sofia and I already were matching!)
8:30 a.m.: Drop girls off at school and some people had already heard about job - coming up, congratulating me, really getting excited!  People's reactions blew me away!
9:15 a.m.: Caribou Coffee - free hot chocolate.  See O'Dell my homeless buddy!
10:15 a.m.: Respond to tons of emails and Facebook comments about birthday and job!  People were incredible!
11:10 a.m.: Hangover 2 with Luisa!  Some laugh out loud funny stuff!
1:00 p.m.: Ruby Tuesday with Luisa! Free Turkey burger (last coupon I'd use)
3:15 p.m.: Pick up girls!  By now, it was like whole town knew about the job.  People are hugging me.  Ladies are cheering in the parking lot.  Again, people's reaction just blew me away!  They were genuinely excited for me!
4:00 p.m.: Romeoville, IL
6:00 p.m.: My dad made these meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potatoes on top like whipped cream.  Very tasty!  And a little Ats A Nice pizza!  We talked about our goals....and other inappropriate stuff!
8:30 p.m. Drink my last Coke, come home and some incredible people have put books, a bottle of Coke, candy and some little gifts on our porch!

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone!  Sure, getting enough free food to help me gain 8 pounds in two days was great, and the whole "real job" thing was a nice bonus, but the most incredible thing was people's reactions, emails, messages on Facebook and just things to show they care.  I am blessed to have so many incredible people in my life.  Thank You!