Thursday, July 28, 2011


I came into your house.  You did not gie me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  You did not gie me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet.  You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. - Luke 7:44-46

    You ever wanted to give someone a huge hug, but didn't think it was the right place or too many people around?  You were afraid of what they might think.  You ever wanted to write some mushy, gushy note of encouragement, but were afraid of how the person receiving the note might respond?  You ever wanted to just heap praise after praise on a person but were a little timid to do that with someone you didn't know very well? 
     Have you ever been afraid to do something for someone that you knew would honor them?
     It seems like we have two people in our Bible story today - one who has forgotten how to make people feel special and one who realizes they are in the presence of greatness.  One doesn't even welcome his guest much less do the little things like wash their feet or greet them with a kiss.  The other wipes his feet with her hair pours perfume all over them.  One, it seems, has just taken for granted the awesomeness of people.  The other realizes, as the song goes, how great is our God!
     Think about this - what if every person you met was Jesus?  What if every person who came into your house was Jesus?  How would you treat them?  I think we all would say we'd love to do the stuff that this woman did.  BUT WE GET AFRAID OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK.
     Here's my advice to you (and myself) - If we feel like God really wants us to do something, just do it.  Don't be afraid! 
     That's it!  Now go back to enjoying the Free Agency Frenzy!

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