Tuesday, November 29, 2011


But when the man heard this he became sad, for he was very rich. - Luke 18:23

     He made the mistake of asking Jesus the question.  "What should I do to get into heaven?"  Jesus told him the basics, but then dropped the whopper - "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor!"
      This guy was rich.  Jesus hit him right where it hurt.  He went right after the one thing that was in front of God - money!
       What is that thing for you?  I would tell you mine, but you'd just laugh.  But, what is that thing for you?  What is the one thing Jesus could ask you to do that would cause you to be sad?
     I'm not saying to give that thing up.  I'm just wondering out loud if it needs to become less important in our lives.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. - Luke 18:16

     As a teacher, often times I feel like the job is so much better when the children aren't there.  I get a lot more "work" done.  As a parent, I look forward to the times when my children are playing with their friends or at somebody else's house.  Then I get to do what I want to do.
     Just a little reminder to all of us parents / teachers out there - KIDS ARE WHAT MATTER!  Jesus is telling us that we can learn from kids.  Kids are not a distraction.  Kids are who remind us about the Kingdom.  Don't push them away - bring them on!  It's all about kids.
     Pretty good reminder as we buy them gifts, put up trees and plan holiday celebrations - LET'S MAKE THE MOST OF THE TIME WE HAVE WITH OUR CHILDREN!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. - Luke 18:14

     They had to call in the cops to break up a fight....over a waffle iron!  I heard the story from a couple of the people at the Oswego Wal-Mart.  People rush to the stores, wait in crazy amount of lines......to get a $10 gift card which they will later use for slippers!  (Ok, that was me!)  It seems like Black Friday gives people an excuse to think, "What about me?" 
     Yesterday, I stood in a line for a gift card.  There were people behind me who didn't get a gift card.  I could have given mine up.  I could have said, "What about you?"
     It seems like humbling ourselves, in it's purest form, is just thinking of others before yourself.  It may call us to do something crazy, it may cause us to rethink what the heck we're doing, but it may just make this holiday season a little more enjoyable!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, don't you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? - Luke 18:7

     Let me preface what I am about to write by saying this - I am a child!  My thoughts are selfish and downright immature!  Any normal person who thought the way I do would be, well, not normal!  And in no way should any man, woman or child look at me and follow my thoughts, actions or life in general!
     Saying that......
     On Sunday morning I needed a kicker for my fantasy football team.  I did not want to drop my other kicker because he was the #1 kicker in fantasy.  Hey, wake up!  The tale gets better.  I also did not want to drop any of my other players because I thought they might have great futures (like Damian Williams who caught one ball for 16 yards).  Still awake?  So, I DROPPED KEVIN SMITH.
      I've always loved Kevin Smith.  I don't know why, just have.  And when the Lions put him on their roster I snatched him up in a second.  In fact, on Thursday of last week I said, "There is no way I am dropping Kevin Smith!"  But then, I hit that dreaded button, the button that has no remorse, and I dropped him for Rob Bironas.
      Kevin Smith went on to have over 200 yards and 3 touchdowns!  And now he's gone.  There's no getting him back.
      Ever since then, there's this pain in my stomach.  Even in my greatest times, I go back to that decision and think, "What if?"  It haunts me like buying a bad car or choosing a bad college major.
     So, I am praying day and night that somehow Kevin Smith ends up back on my team, and I'm gonna see if maybe I bug God enough He'll make it happen. 

Monday, November 21, 2011


If you cling to your life,you wll lose it, and if you let your life go, you wll save it. - Luke 17:33

     Jesus is talking about the end of the world, and guess what He says is important.  Family? Nope!  He says that when it comes you shouldn't even reeturn home if you are in the field.  Material possessions? Nope!  He says that you shouldn't try to go down and pack up your stuff.  Work? Nope!  He says to leave the field, get off the roof!
     In between all these things not to do, Jesus adds one we should: If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.
     As we go throughout our day, what's the most important thing we can do?  Whatever God wants, whatever others want!

Friday, November 18, 2011


"Didn't I heal ten men?  Where are the other nine?" - Luke 17:17

     Think about all the things Jesus could have said there.  "Isn't that great that you came back!"  "Even though no one else came, you did.  That means a lot!"  "I am going to bless you even more because you came back!"  "You are awesome!" 
      Instead, when He heals ten people and only one comes back, the guy gets - "Whoa, where is everyone else?"
     For the last couple days Jesus has been raising the bar for me.  If we put others before ourselves - that's not a big deal.  It's what we should be doing.  If we are thankful - so what.  It's what we should be doing.  In the day of positive rewards and "catching kids being good" it's cool to see Jesus saying, "Where are the other nine?"  It helps me to remember that this is what we should be doing.  He expects it!  He's surprised when it doesn't happen.  Maybe we should be too!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance forgive." - Luke 17:3

     Everyone knows the Bible verse - Even if a person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.  Seven times seventy!  But, do you know the verse that is right before it?  (It's written in red, right above this paragraph - why else would I write it up there?)
     Did you notice the word believer?  In fact, as I was typing, I noticed another word - and each time turns (ok, that's four words).  It seems like there are some stipulations to forgiveness.
     I've always believed the forgiveness was more for the person who forgives than the person who is forgiven.  It's cleanses us, it gives us freedom.  And so, we should forgive everyone.  Now I'm not so sure.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, dos his master say, "Come in and at with me?"  No, he says, "Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat.  Then you can eat later." And does the master thank the serant for doing what he was told to do?  Of course not.  In the same way, when you obey me you should say, "We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty." - Luke 17:7-10

     I just had a goofy thought!  Slavery was o.k. 
     For 14,780 or so days (yes, I did just calculate how many days I've been alive), I've thought about the ills of slavery.  Restricting of freedom, denial of opportunity, loss of respect. 
     But, isn't that what Jesus is asking us to do?  Isn't He asking us to become a slave. We give up our rights, give up our freedom, give up our opportunity....SO THAT WE CAN BE FOCUSED ON GIVING OTHERS THOSE THINGS.
     This is just me thinking out loud (or actually quietly since I'm only typing), but maybe this is why Jesus didn't speak out about slavery.  Maybe He thought slaves were actually ahead of the game.
      Do I think anyone should be forced into slavery? NO!  Do I think people should willingly become slaves? YES! 

Monday, November 14, 2011


And besides, there is a great chasm separating us.  No ne can cross over to you from here, and no none can cross over to us from there. - Luke 16:26

     Yesterday, we ditched church.  Does it really matter?  I went downstairs to watch a little football.  When my daughter called for help on a project, I continued watching football.  Does it really matter?  I rushed my girls to bed (partly because they needed sleep, partly because I wanted to go to Speedway for a 44 ouncer).  Does it really matter?  I just spent a whole Sunday trying to figure out how I was going to watch more football.  Does it really matter?  I stayed up late watching football even though I had to get up early for school the next day?  Does it really matter?
     Sometimes I forget that we are eternal!  Sometimes I forget that the decisions we make, the actions we choose have eternal significance - not only for us, but for those around us.  When we see good that we could do and don't do it - that matters!  When we see someone in need and don't help - that matters!  When we have the chance to put others in front of ourselves and don't - it  matters.
      This was a good reminder!


Thursday, November 10, 2011


If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones." - Luke 16:10

     I use this verse a lot.  I like to do the little things well - pick up garbage on the street.  Treat the check-out people with respect.  Truly listen when people come to talk to me.  Partly I do it because it's the right thing to do, and partly I've always kind of had this verse in mind.  If I do the little things well, when God gives me the big things I'll do great with them too.
      But, what if I don't want the big things?  What if I am happy enough just leading an average, normal everyday life with no stress, no pressure, no tough decisions and no hard work?  It struck me that this verse comes right after Jesus talks about the shrewd manager who cuts everyone's bill in half.
      Do you think He was trying to see how smart we were - If you don't do the little things very well, then you won't have to worry about the real challenging stuff?  So, if we slack off then we can live the American dream of relaxation, enjoyment and freedom?
     Do I really want the bigger things?  Do I have the passion and drive to do the really great stuff?  Do I even want the stress?  Those are good questions!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison - your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even your own life. - Luke 14:26

     I love the Bears!  I love them!  When they stopped the Eagles on fourth and 10 last night, I couldn't have been more excited if my numbers came up in the Lottery.  I love the Bears!  I love them so much more than any other team in the NFL!  Luisa, Grace and Sofia might even say I love them more than my own family!  I just love the Bears!  No other team elicits the same response as the Bears!
     Do I love Jesus like that?  Do I love Jesus so much more than anyone else?  Do I get more excited about Him than any other thing that could happen in my life?
     Unfortunately, I think we would all have the same answer.  But, that's exactly the type of love Jesus is saying is required for us to be people of Salt (If you don't understand what that means, read Luke 14!)

Monday, November 7, 2011


When you are invited to a wedding feast, don't sit in the seat of honor.  What if someone who i more distinguished than you has also been invited?  The host will come and say, "Give this person your seat."....Instead, take the lowest place at the foot of the table.  Then when your host sees you, he will come and say, "Friend, we have a better place for you!" - Luke 14:8-10

     My old principal, Bill Able, used to always park in the parking spot farhtest from the door so that everyone else could have the closer spots. I took about two years off, but started doing it again at school.  What a great way to start my day, reminding myself, that my job is to put others in front of myself. 
     Later on, Jesus goes on to say that our reward will come in heaven.  It's not our job to make our life easier now.  It's our job to try and make other's lives easier.
     So, go find that last spot - in the parking lot, in the home, at your job....wherever!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers!  How often I hae wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me." - Luke 13:14

         I have a conversation in the mailroom yesterday where I might have done a little TMI.  Another teacher asked me if I was overwhelmed with grading and report cards. 
        "Report cards?.......No!  Overwhelmed?.....Yes!" 
        She asked me a little more about that, and I said, "Well, I just feel like when these kids don't succeed it's my fault." 
        That's a little deeper than mailroom conversations usually go.  But, I said it and I honestly feel that way.  I am the teacher and it's my job to turn these fifth graders into better people than when they came into my room.
        In fact, yesterday I was thinking about that comment and had a couple thoughts go into my mind.  One, I gotta loosen up a bit.  There is no way I can positively affect every kid.  Two, I've gotta do better.  There must be a way to motivate these children.
       It comforted me to see that Jesus had the same type of thoughts.  He didn't affect everyone in a positive way.  A ton of his "students" didn't become better people.  A ton of his "students" weren't motivated.  That didn't mean He stopped trying or through in the towel.  But, He also didn't think of it as His fault.  Jesus handled "failure" perfectly!

Friday, November 4, 2011


     "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you will try to enter and not be able to." - Luke 13:24

     Last night, while being a part of an on-line church service, I realized I had not written about my daughters in a couple months.  For as long as Grace and Sofia have been alive, I've been writing a book about what they do every day...or every other day....or every other month when I forget.  But, I just checked, and I haven't written anything since July.  That's when I realized something had to change.
     Sure, this job takes up a lot of time and mental energy, but we all have jobs.  Sure, it doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day to do everything I need to, but we all are faced with the business of life.  Sure, all I want to do when I come home is sleep, but there is no one who gets enough sleep.  What I came to realize last night is that there are things that shouldn't be compromised - your family, your relationship with God, your fantasy football team (hey, I'm 5-3 and in the playoff hunt!)
     Now, do I think writing about my daughters makes me a great dad or typing out these goofy blogs makes me a better follower of Jesus?  Kind of, because it starts off my day with the right frame of mind, and more importantly connects me with my buddy who I've kind of been forgetting.