Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RULE #14 - Be willing!

"I am willing," he said, "Be clean!" - Luke 5:13

     There was a man who not only had leprosy - he was COVERED with leprosy.  I'm not sure what that even means, but it can't be a good thing.  I picture a guy who looked pretty disgusting, probably felt pretty disgusting, and was told he was disgusting for a very long time.  From what I know about leprosy back in the day, this man's life was probably about as fun as Master Shifu's when he finds out Po is the Dragon Warrior (you gotta see Kung Fu Panda 2!)
      But, then he sees Jesus and says, "If you are willing you can make me clean."  Now, it would have been a pretty jerk move for Jesus to say, "No, I'm not willing!"  I think we all would have been a little surprised if Jesus would have said, "Well, actually, I'm kind of busy right now.  I could make you clean, but I'd rather you suffer."  
     However, don't we do that some times.  Someone asks us to do something (even something a little easier than healing leprosy) and we are not willing.  Someone needs our help, but we don't respond with a quick, "I am willing."  
     Jesus was always willing.  Part of the reason Jesus was so cool to people was that he was always willing to help.  If we're going to treat people the way He did, that's another great start!  

Monday, May 30, 2011


One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, witht eh people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. - Luke 5:1-2

     I wonder if Jesus knew that Peter would go on to lead His church.  I wonder if Jesus even knew before he picked out that boat that Jesus would be a disciple.  I wonder if Jesus was just looking for a way to get out of the crowd, or the whole time he had bigger things in mind.
     The cool thing is, for whatever the reason, while He was teaching the crowd - HE NOTICED THE BOATS!  Does that amaze anyone else?  I know when I'm teaching or speaking to a large crowd, I'm focused.  I'm thinking about what I'm going to say and what is coming next.  But, Jesus, notices the boats. 
     And those boats go on to carry some of his first disciples. 
     It's weird - I wonder how many times we miss little things that God could use to radically change people's lives.  Imagine if Jesus would not have noticed those boats.  Think Peter's life would have been a little different?
     Today, I'm going to make it a priority to notice my surroundings and think about what that might tell me about the people I'm with.  Who knows, maybe I'll get my first disciples.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place.  The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them.  But he said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." - Luke 4:42-43
READ LUKE 4:42-44

     I remember a few times when I'm supposed to meet someone or be somewhere and my daughters have talked me into doing something else.  I remember a few times when I'm supposed to plan something or get materials for a presentation, but I've been talked into hanging out with a buddy for a little bit longer.  I remember when I've really felt God wanted me to do something, but I let a family member talk me into doing something else.
    Jesus had a mission.  That mission was to preach the good news to other towns!  Even though the people wanted him to stay, He knew that He needed to be somewhere else. 
    Those are the tough ones.  When people are loving you, you're a rock star and everyone wants you to hang out longer.  You're feeling great about yourself, you love the attention, but you know that there is something else you're supposed to do.
     It's tricky too; because sometimes God wants you to forego other plans to be present in the moment.  Sometimes God is calling you to be in the exact place where the people want you to stay.  But, sometimes He wants you to move on.
     I guess if we're really going to treat people the way Jesus treated them, we can't let other people determine our mission.  That has to come from the Father himself. 
     Yesterday, we talked about how focused Jesus was on the mission.  Today, we are making sure that the mission comes from God and not from others.

Friday, May 27, 2011


"Be quiet!" Jesus said sternly. "Come out of him!" - Luke 4:35

     Have you ever met someone really evil - like Hitler evil, Bin Laden evil, LaBron James evil?  Maybe it doesn't even have to be that evil, but just someone who says stuff, does stuff that you realize comes from somewhere or someone else?  I'm not talking about an isolated put down or a slip of the tongue.  I'm talking about someone who just has mean written all over them.
     What do you do with that type of person?  How do you treat them?  How do you help them?
Well, this is going to sound strange, but I think with some people we need to use the power God has given us.  I think with some people only the Holy Spirit can help them.  I think with some people we still need to ask God to remove the evil.  Call the casting out demons, call that authority over evil spirits - whatever you want to call it, I think we have to remember that we are stronger than any evil.  And the only way we may be able to help some of these people is to use the power that's been given to us by God.
     We can learn from Jesus how to treat people, and Jesus was stern with evil spirits.  At some point, we have to realize there is a spiritual nature to what is going on inside of people and use the resources we have to overcome those.  It's just a matter of realizing that and then using it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


"Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." - Luke 4:21
READ LUKE 4:14-30

      Is this a bad sign?  I have a job interview in my hometown today.  I start the day by reading my Bible and the title of the section I'm on is - "Jesus Rejected in Nazareth."  It's the story how Jesus was rejected by the people in his own hometown!  Oh boy!
      OK, let's get past that!
      We're still looking at how to treat people, and it's been a couple weeks and we haven't really seen Jesus interact with anyone.  I promise He will at some point!  But, for today, let's lay a little more groundwork. 
       Did you notice that Jesus was pretty clear on who He was?  He didn't say, "Today this might be fulfilled."  He didn't say, "Today this is kind of going to be fulfilled."  He just came right out and said it, "I am the Messiah!"  Everyone back then would have known what He was saying.  Everyone would have realized the implications.
        That's why they tried to throw him down a cliff!  (Can't you just picture all these people backing Jesus down, while Jesus just walks right by them!)  People were not happy about this.  People didn't say, "WoooHoooo, here's the Savior!"  But Jesus said it anyway. 
       Jesus was so clear about who He was that He could treat people the way He did.  What about us?  OK, we're not the Messiah.  God has never parted the clouds and said, "This is Tony....."  We don't have Bible verses predicting who we'd become.  But, I think God makes it pretty clear who we are, what we believe, how we can use our talents and abilities, and what we stand for.
       It's the same story over and over - once we figure out ourselves, we don't have to worry about us anymore, our lives can be spent thinking about them!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. - Luke 4:1-2

     If we're going to treat people the way Jesus did, we've got to know who to listen to and who to RESIST!  Sometimes it can be tricky!  Sometimes the devil comes in mysterious forms - people at work, family members, neighbors, kids.  No, I'm not saying your boss is the devil or that your children are the Antichrist, but it takes a very discerning ear to determine when people are trying to lead you closer to Jesus or farther away.
      Although I was just thinking about all the times Jesus was swayed by people to do something His Father would not have liked.  I totalled them up - NEVER!  Never did he let his coworkers lead him astray.  Never did he let his friends talk him into sin.  Never did he get led down the wrong path by someone who had known him for a very long time.
       I guess that was the same with the devil.  Jesus didn't even let him distract the mission.  Jesus was able to treat people the way He did because He was clear on what He was supposed to do.  We have to be clear too!  And then we have to be prepared to RESIST when the devil comes knocking.
       There's one thing I know for sure.  The devil would like nothing better than for you to treat others way differently than Jesus did.  In fact, that may be his best strategy.  Breaking up the kingdom one person at a time.  It's our job not to let him.

Monday, May 23, 2011


He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melki..... - Luke 3:23-24

     I saw an interview with Drew Brees the other day.  They were asking him why he thought it was important to include his name on the lawsuit against the NFL owners in their labor dispute.  He talked about realizing that players before him had fought so that he could have what he does.  And players in the future will be affected by what he does.  So, just as players long ago paved the way so he could have this awesome life, he wanted to help the players that would come in the future.
     He gets it!  There have been many generations of football players before Drew Brees, and there will be many generations after him.  And what each generation does affects the generation after it. 
     It's a lot like us.  We have had family members for thousands of years pave the way for the life we have today.  We have had family members who will never have known us, but have dramatically shaped who we are.  And we will do the same for others.
     In Luke today, they include 76 generations of dads who led to Jesus.  I'm not smart enough to know why they include all those, but one of the reasons might just be to show the importance of realizing what generations of people have done for each of us. 
     To bring it back to how we treat people, I think we will be much more Jesus-like if we have a healthy respect for generations before us and a healthy vision to ask, "How can we positively affect the generations after us."  A lot of people would look at that financially or materialistically, but what if each day was spent in appreciation of what our forefathers have done for us spiritually, mentally and psychologically - and then we set up our future generations the same way?
      Now, in the title, I said, "Be Like Drew Brees - Kind Of!"  As much as I loved his answer to why is was important for him to include his name on the lawsuit, I questioned this one.  They asked how he justified players arguing with owners when they're already making ten million dollars a year.  He said, "It was just the right thing to do."  No, the right thing to do would be to give money back to the fans by taking that money and lowering ticket prices or making parking more affordable or lowering concessions.  The right thing to do is being satisfied with a just wage.  The right thing to do is to be content.  But, hey, he was one for two.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? - Luke 3:7

     Do you see Jesus as a fire and brimstone type of guy? When you picture Jesus do you see a guy yelling and screaming about people repenting or else? In your mind is Jesus rough and gruff and will blow your house down? Mine either.
     But, what about John the Baptist? In my mind, he's this tough, crazy guy who will say whatever he wants to say to whoever he wants to say it. He's the neighbor that yells at you for keeping your grass too long. He's the teacher who threatens detention after every shout out. He's loud and overbearing - kind of the opposite of Jesus.
     The cool thing is they're on the same team. Their goal is the same, but they seem to go about it in different ways. And reading this today reminded me of the need to have a wing man! If we want to treat people the way Jesus treated them, we've got to have someone with us - maybe even someone who's a little different than us but who's mission is the same. I'm not the "in your face" type of guy, but maybe I could hook up with someone else who is. I'm not the "dress nice, say the right things, don't act like a moron" type of guy, but I can hook up with someone who is.
     We can not go this thing alone! It's impossible to treat people like Jesus did in isolation. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone who's strengths are our weaknesses, but we need a wing man. Jesus had John (and many others, including you!). Who do we have?

Saturday, May 21, 2011


"After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.  Everyone who heard him was amazed at this understanding and his answers." - Luke 2:46-47

     We're sitting in McDonalds this morning (Yes, if you would like to join us and talk about this stuff, we meet every Saturday!) talking about these two verses.  We both decide that it would have been very cool to hear what Jesus was asking.  I try to get a picture in my mind of Jesus sitting with these religious leaders and asking questions.  What type of questions?  Were his questions ones that would lead to learning?  And why, if He's just listening and asking questions, are they amazed at his understanding and answers.
     We decide (ok, maybe it was just me!) that a lot of learning comes as the result of a great question.  So, as we look at how to treat people, maybe one thing we could do is focus more on asking great questions than giving great answers.  Maybe instead of thinking how we are going to impress people with our awesome knowledge, we can think about how our questions could lead them into understanding the truth.
     Jesus did this a lot.  He asked great questions.....and people got it!  That's why I am challenging myself to ask 10 great questions every day - trying to train my brain to think question first, statement later!  I'm going to tally them and check myself every day.
      Now, I know what you're saying, "I wish I would have been at McDonalds and heard this incredible conversation."   Well, you can!  Every Saturday at 7am - it's talking time, and we end with a Challenge!  Just make sure if you are there to not ask Mike how his time in the Army was.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughs of many hearts will be revealed.  And a sword will pierce your own soul too."  - Luke 2:34-35

     Simeon shocked Jesus's parents by telling them who Jesus would become.  Anna told everyone at the temple about the great plans laid out for Jesus.  Do you have an Anna?  Do you have a Simeon?  Do you have someone that not only reminds you of the great plans God has for your life, but also let's others know?
     We've been looking at how Jesus treats people in look, and so far there's been a lot of background work.  So far, it's been a lot about how we can prepare our hearts to T.P.L.J.D. (Treat People Like Jesus Did - yeah, that bracelet probably won't catch on!).  And one of the things we need today is a cheerleader.  Did you know that Muhammad Ali paid a man to tell him how great he was?  24 hours a day, 7 days a week, his job was to tell the greatest boxer of all time that he was the greatest boxer of all time.  Not sure I've got room in my budget for that, but I sure as heck need to find someone willing to volunteer their time.
     Because I need reminders!  We all need reminders!  This world is not a naturally encouraging place.  There are not a whole bunch of people who are going to point out your talents, remind you of God's plan for your life, tell you you're awesome!  So, if you've got someone like that - HANG OUT WITH THEM....ALL THE TIME!  If you dont', PRAY FOR THAT PERSON....ASK GOD TO SEND YOU ONE! 
     Then, once that person is in place and you remember God has got you covered, you don't have to worry about it anymore.  You can spend 0% of your time trying to impress others, and 100 % of your time serving others.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


And there were shepherds living out in the fields nerby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. - Luke 2:8-9

     And an angel of the Lord appeared to this huge movie star - no, that's not what it says!  An angel appeared to the president - nope, not that either.  An angel appeared to the Pope - nope, wrong again.  Of all the people God could have announced the birth of HIs Son to, He chose shepherds.  Can you just see it?  A birth announcement, with Jesus's picture on it, ending up in the mail box of a man who's sole purpose in life is to get sheep from one place to the next.
     Now, I'm not what you would call a biblical historian, but I do know this - shepherds were not considered the most important people in their day.  They wouldn't get invited to the cool parties, you wouldn't find movies made about their lives, and I can't imagine a lot of little boys dreaming of growing older and becoming a shepherd.  But, these are the exact people the angels appear to!
     See, God is reminding us that EVERYONE MATTERS!  In fact, some of the people who we think are not all that important are the most important of all.  So, if we're going to treat people the way Jesus did, we have to realize their inherit value - EVERYONE'S inherit value!  I've heard it said that there is not one person you'll meet today who does not matter to God.  I think it's true!

Monday, May 16, 2011


His father Zachariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. - Luke 1:67
     We've had a song by Mary, now a song by Zachariah - this first chapter of Luke reads like High School Musical (the most inspirational movie ever, by the way!).  Everybody's singing!  And maybe there is something to that.
     Mary finds out the Son of God is in her belly - she sings!  Zachariah's silence is lifted - he sings!  And they are not singing "Baby, Baby, Baby!" (Justin Bieber, for those of you who have not caught Bieber Fever!)  They're singing out praises to God!
     Maybe, if we are going to treat people the way Jesus treated them, we've got to start with an attitude of praise.  Praise must flow freely off of our lips.  There must be a song in our heart because of the greatfullness we have for what God has done.  Everything starts there! 
     Trust me, as a man who has not been very thankful for a little while, I know how an unthankful heart can affect your views of other people and the way you treat them.  I know this is Rule #3, but we might want to put it #1 in our hearts!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, - Luke 1:39

     Who do you call when you have really good news?  Who do you visit when you need a little pick me up?  Who do you have as that person when you want to share something really stupid?  Who do you go to for advice?
      Mary had Elizabeth.  First person she ran to (notice the Bible says "hurried" when she found out that the Son of God was in her belly was Elizabeth.  I think we all need an Elizabeth.
      If we are going to treat other people the way Jesus treated them, we need someone who we can share our own junk with.  We need someone who can kind of refill our tanks.  I would dare call that our earthly "Father" - but not neccesarily our real Father, but kind of like God was to Jesus.  Get it?
     Think about who that person is in your life, and then be thankful!  They may be even more important than you know.

Friday, May 13, 2011


In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pldeged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. - Luke 1:27

     Sorry I missed yesterday, but blogger wasn't working....and I really didn't have anything good to write, so we skipped.  But, if you do want to read all of Luke, you may want to go with 1:1-38 today.
     So, we said we're going to use Luke as a way to figure out how Jesus treated people, but today Jesus is just a thought in His Father's brain or spirit or whatever God puts His thoughts in.  So, let's learn a little bit from God.
      When he thought of this whole Jesus plan, do you think He forgot a few of the details?  Think about it - a virgin who isn't even married, and she's going to be impregnated with God's Son?  What will the people think?  An unmarried young girl - pregnant?  Today, no big deal.  But, back then - you got stoned for stuff like that!  But, guess what, God doesn't care.  He doesn't even let the "what will people think" idea pop into His head, or spirit or whatever. 
      Then, later, Mary says to the angel, "I am the Lord's servant.  May it be to me as you have said."  Was she scared?  Yes!  Did she totally understand? No!  But did she care what other people would say? No! 
     Notice, she didn't say, "OK, just wait until after we're married and then I'm in!"  She didn't say, "God, what will people think when I'm an unwed mother?"  No!  As a teenage girl who was about to have something happen to her that would totally ruin her reputation, she might have had a little concern, but she forgoes to right to care so that she can do what God wants.
      So, Rule #1 is something that I could use a little kick in the pants for - DON'T BE AFRAID OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!  If we're gonna treat people the way Jesus did, we can't be afraid of what someone else might say.  In fact, if you look at His life, there wasn't a lot of concern about the feelings of others.  He just did what He knew the Father had planned.  That's it! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theopphilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. - Luke 1:3-4

     Is it dumb to have a favorite book in the Bible?  I mean really, isn't everything in it God's word?  How can you say that you like one part of God's word more than another part?  It's like saying I have a favorite person or a favorite tree or a favorite animal.  Well, I guess it is ok to have a favorite book, and that's good because I've got one!
      This book has more people in it than any other.  You really get to see Jesus interact with a variety of folks, and more than any other, I think it brings out His heart for the "least of these!"  This book is longer than any other.  You hear some parables you won't find anywhere else and see some details that you won't find in the other gospels.  This book, to me, is all about people.  It's all about how Jesus treated people and how we should treat people too!
       The book?  Well, before I say, let me just encourage you to read it - a little at a time each day.  For the last sixteen days, we focused on looking at Jesus with a wide-angle lens, but today I'd like to propose we zoom in a little and notice how Jesus treats people.  Maybe it would inspire us to treat people in a little different way or encourage us as to how we already treat folks.  Whatever, just read it!
        OK, the book is.......................well, before I tell you.  Just kidding - I was doing the American Idol thing.  The book is Luke.  You probably could have figured that out by reading the Bible verse, but it is Luke.  Hope you get a chance to check it out.
     And hey, what's your favorite book of the Bible?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Then the disciples went out and preached evrywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. - Mark 16:20

     Everybody loves a good ending!  Remember the Sixth Sense - now that was an ending!  Or how about the 1983 NCAA Championship between N.C. State and Houston - another great ending!  Or the Cubs World Series in 2003......oh wait, that didn't end so well!
     Well today I read the last chapter of Mark and I noticed something.  In a book which has been chocked full of Jesus (that's right, I just said, "chocked full") it ends talking more about the disciples than it does about Jesus.  Maybe that's on purpose. 
      It talks about how Mary and Mary reacted to Jesus's rising.  It talks about the angels role in announcing the rising.  It talks about another man's reaction and then the eleven and what they did when Jesus appeared to them.  It's mostly about how different people reacted to Jesus rising from the dead. 
     Is God telling us something?  While Jesus was on this earth, the focus was on Him - obviously!  However, now it's all on us!  Maybe God is showing us that it's our job to carry on what Jesus started.  Maybe our reaction to Jesus's rising will determine how God's plan gets carried out.  Maybe we are God's next chapter in the Kingdom story. 
      We all love a great ending, but God's ending comes with a beginning.  Jesus "exits" and we enter.  The end of Mark shows us the beginning of the disciples!

Monday, May 9, 2011


It was the third hour when they crucified him. - Mark 15:25

     You work the third shift, and when Pilate hired you he said, "There probably won't be a lot of action while you're here.  Mostly clean-up and preparation for our other crucifictions!"  For the most part, that has been true.  You haven't witnessed many executions and the amount of hands you've nailed to the cross has been under a dozen.
     But tonight is different.  When you punched in people were already screaming, "Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!"  It sounded like an angry mob.  Then you saw the person who became the wrath of their anger.  He was bloodier than anyone you've ever seen.  Murderer?  Traitor?  You wonder what his crime must have been.  The weird thing is some people are foaming mad while others are crying as if they've lost all hope. 
       You walk this Man up the hill at 1 in the morning.  This never happens.  No one is awake at this time.  But, today there are crowds of people - some of which are the leading religious leaders in the area. 
        Many of the people make rude insults and mock this man as you walk along.  You don't dare, but you realize that He is some type of "God" or so He thinks.
      At 3:00 a.m. you finally get to the hill and begin nailing.  The cries of his supporters are more deafening than the rants and curses from the mob.  As you raise Him on the cross, you sense there is something more to this man.  His sign reads, "King of the Jews!"....and you believe it. 
     This THIRD HOUR has been like no other!  What had been a boring job up until this point suddenly became life-changing.  While you usually spent your time sharpening weapons of deestruction and cleaning up the blood of criminals - you have spent this shift with who you think might be the Son of God! 
      When he finally breathes his last, it goes dark.  Completely dark!  So dark you can't see - and not for a moment, but from the sixth hour to the ninth hour.  A man comes to take the body, and all's you can think as you head to punch out is: "Truly, this was the Son of God!"
       Most mornings you go home tired, but because of this THIRD HOUR you will never be the same!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  - Genesis 1:27

     So, if God created both male and female in His image, that would mean that He's got a little man and woman in Him.  (Funny, I just made the point that God has a little woman in HIm and used the male pronoun three times in the same sentence.)  Now, let's not get off on a feministic tangent or turn this into a dude vs chick fight, but even though Jesus called Him (maybe I should use "Her") Father, isn't God also our mother?  If not, who is - from a spiritual standpoint?  Some people would say Mary, but I don't even think Mary would say Mary.  I bet Mary would say God.  He's (sorry, I tried to type "she" but it just felt weird) Father and Mother. 
     Every Father's Day I make it a point to spend a little extra time with my Heavenly Father and say "Happy Father's Day" to God.  This year it made sense that I'd say Happy Mother's Day too.  As I thought more and more about it, the God I know fills a lot of the roles the traditional mother does.  In fact, to me, God may have more characteristics of a stereotypical mom than of a stereotypical dad.  That's probably just me.
     But, I don't think we get an accurate picture of God if we just think of Him as father - if we just think of Him as Him.  He created us - all of us, male and female - in His image.  He really is our Father, but he really is also our Mother.  He's the great parent!  And doesn't that make the whole "they shall become one flesh" thing totally understandable?  For us to be Godly parents, we have to use both the mother and father side. 
       OK, enough of that.  How about if I just tell you why my wife is such a great mom?  She'd kill me if I did that - but just know that I am very thankful that God has put us together to raise these two wonderful girls!  We may not be the best parents in the world, but I think we're a great match and there isn't anyone else in the world I'd rather partner with in this awesome challenge.  Great job Weez!  Happy Mother's Day!


While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man know as Simon the Leper,.... Mark 14:3

     What if you had three days to live?  What would you do?  Trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame?  The All-U-Can Eat Buffet at Home Run Inn?  Spend your money crazily on something you'll never be able to use? 
      Jesus reclined at the table!  And he didn't recline with a religious leader.  He didn't recline with a government official.  He didn't recline with a rock star or professional athlete.  He reclined with....Simon the Leper! 
       Think about that.  Jesus knew the brutal death He was going to have to endure.  He realized the pain He was about to experience.  If it's me, I'm reflecting or doing something by myself getting ready.  I may even run!  But, he was still cool enough, calm enough to hang out (a.k.a. "recline") at the home of a normal, maybe even "less than normal" person.  Heck, the next day he spends with his friends at the last supper.
       You can tell a lot about a person by what they do when they know the end is near.  Jesus reminds us - People, that's what it's all about!  Reclining when you have three days left to live - who would have thought it?

Friday, May 6, 2011


"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Mark 13:32

     You might want to hold off on blowing your college savings for that trip to the Caman islands!  You may not want to sell off the house and car and kids just yet.  That Red Robin coupon, which expires in 2013, may still be usefull.
      The Mayans are wrong!  And so are the Incas, the Cherokee, the Sioux, the Wampanoag - and anyone else who predicts the end of the world.  (By the way, I don't even know if the Mayans are an Indian tribe, but they sure do sound like one don't they?)  Jesus said that NO ONE knows the day or hour - whoa, He didn't say NO ONE knows the year!  But, I think His point was clear, keep on living life; because you don't know when this world is coming to an end.
     Look, I'm a Cubs fan.  I would love for the world to end!  It would put me out of a lot of pain and misery.  But, I don't think it's happening anytime too soon.  And I'm surely not going to do anything differently by 2012.  That's the scary part - there are actually people who believe this.  There are people who are making life changes based on the fact that the worlld is going to end.
      We've been studying Jesus a long time.  You can trust Him.  He has never let us down.  Not one of His predictions has gone astray.  Not one of His teachings hasn't worked.  Not one of His actions proved unfruitful.  I think we can trust Him on this one!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions. - Mark 12:34

     Did you ever get this one from your mom, "Because I said so!"?  Moms can say that becasue, well, they're moms!  They have ultimate power and authority!  You know who else has ultimate power and authority?  God!  Isn't it ironic that you never hear Jesus say, "Because I said so!"?  He could have!  He had the right, but His answers were never that trite, His answers helped the asker understand, His answers totally made sense!
      Ask Him about taxes, He says, "Get me a coin!"  Ask Him about the greatest commandment, He gives you two!  Ask him about marriage at the resurection, He reminds you what it's really all about!  It's genius....and it makes sense!
      Sometimes I catch myself giving answers that are in the "Because I said so" realm.  Even when it comes to spiritual things - "Because God said so" or "It says it in the Bible."  Now, those things aren't bad, but I don't think they help the asker understand, I don't think they help anyone understand the Kingdom.
     So, let's be like Jesus!  Let's really think about the answers we give.  And if we've got a question for Jesus - any question - I think we can be pretty sure He's not afraid to answer it!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not seperate." - Mark 10:9
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Mark 10:14

     I just read Mark 10 and 11.  It talked about Palm Sunday, Jesus knocking over the Temple tables, the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus killing of a fig tree (I guess He's not a big fan of Fig Newtons), and Jesus playing "Stump the Pharisees."  There are a lot of huge theological issues in there - but I'm not smart enough to discuss those, so let me talk about something that really matters - FAMILY!
      I'm not saying it matters to me, FAMILY matters to Jesus!  And we are all part of a family.  We all interact (or choose not to) with a family - and inevitably that leads to interaction with children.  How we do that is crucial - according to Jesus.
      I just talked to a man at the homeless shelter today about how him and his wife couldn't get along any more.  It was an impossible situation.  Maybe it was, but I think Jesus might say, "Nothing is impossible with God" (actually read that today)!  As a substitute teacher, I see tons of kids who don't seem to be valued by their parents - and sometimes their substitute teachers.  Jesus would say, "bring them to me, I'll show them how valuable they are!" 
      As hard as we work in volunteering at church, or helping the poor, or leading Bible studies, or doing our private times - We should work as hard with our families.  Jesus knows it's gonna be tough.  Jesus knows that when you get that many people together there are going to be problems.  But Jesus is also saying, "This is some imporant chiz!"  (Chiz is an iCarly (http://www.icarly.com/) term meaning about the same as the word "stuff")
     I've got a ToDo list today.  Most of it is focused on stuff I've got to do for my house or my school / church "jobs" - maybe I should add a few things for the family!  Maybe, LIFE TO THE FULL starts in the home first with whoever we call family!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead." - Mark 9:9

     The much anticipated (ok, I'm not really sure who anticipated it, but someone had to) new blog from Tony Melton is here.  I used to do stuff at www.rockonfootball.com, but realized you can't mix football and God stuff.  There are just not that many people interested in both.  So, now we have two blogs - one dedicated to football, and one dedicated to my random thoughts on living out Jesus's Life To The Full!  (Guess which one this is!)
       So, here's a sample of what you'd find at www.tonyhoby.blogspot.com!

     Isn't it weird that Jesus spent a good portion of the time during his ministry telling people not to say anything about Him, and we spend a lot of time in church learning about how to tell other people about Jesus? 
     Do you think there's anything to that?  Do you think Jesus might have been teaching his disciples to lead with your actions before you open your mouth?  Do you think Jesus was very aware of people's perceptions and wanted to make sure that they saw God's power in action before any teaching was done?  Is it even possible that today Jesus might caution us, "Don't tell anyone what you've seen"?
      Honestly, I'm trying to think of a time when Jesus specifically commanded us to tell other people about Him!  I'm sure there is one, but I may need your help on this one.  Obviously, he taught about God and His kingdom, and told us to make disciples - but actually telling others about Him?
      Hmmm, when I first started thinking about this, my thoughts were "You're goofy, of course Jesus wants us to tell others about Him!"  However, as I write more and more, I'm starting to think there may be something to this, "Ordering Not To Tell Anyone What They've Seen" theory. 
       I better stop writing or I might set back thousands of years of church work, so I'll just ask this: Is it possible that living LIFE TO THE FULL has more to do with living like Jesus and less to do with telling others about Jesus?  Interesting!