Friday, November 18, 2011


"Didn't I heal ten men?  Where are the other nine?" - Luke 17:17

     Think about all the things Jesus could have said there.  "Isn't that great that you came back!"  "Even though no one else came, you did.  That means a lot!"  "I am going to bless you even more because you came back!"  "You are awesome!" 
      Instead, when He heals ten people and only one comes back, the guy gets - "Whoa, where is everyone else?"
     For the last couple days Jesus has been raising the bar for me.  If we put others before ourselves - that's not a big deal.  It's what we should be doing.  If we are thankful - so what.  It's what we should be doing.  In the day of positive rewards and "catching kids being good" it's cool to see Jesus saying, "Where are the other nine?"  It helps me to remember that this is what we should be doing.  He expects it!  He's surprised when it doesn't happen.  Maybe we should be too!

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