Saturday, August 13, 2011


"Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.".....They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. - Luke 9:14, 17

     Lot of neat little details here!  First, Jesus has them sit in groups of about fifty.  (Cool that he said "about."  I can just see the disciples counting off 1-2-3...ok, just get in a group!)  Second, The disciples picked up the leftovers.  Now, there were five-thousand people there.  I guess Jesus was not big into waisting food either.  Third, there were twelve basketfuls of leftovers.  Don't you think Jesus could have made just enough.  If He's powerful enough to produce it, you'd think He be knowledgable enough to know the quantities.
      Do you get what Jesus did?  He didn't just provide food for their bodies - he provided food for their souls.  He got people into groups, He gave them a lot of food!  Think about those groups of about fifty talking about what had just happenend.  Think about how they must have sat around for hours eating and sharing their thoughts.  Think about what Jesus did there......and then do it yourself!

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