Saturday, November 26, 2011


For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. - Luke 18:14

     They had to call in the cops to break up a fight....over a waffle iron!  I heard the story from a couple of the people at the Oswego Wal-Mart.  People rush to the stores, wait in crazy amount of get a $10 gift card which they will later use for slippers!  (Ok, that was me!)  It seems like Black Friday gives people an excuse to think, "What about me?" 
     Yesterday, I stood in a line for a gift card.  There were people behind me who didn't get a gift card.  I could have given mine up.  I could have said, "What about you?"
     It seems like humbling ourselves, in it's purest form, is just thinking of others before yourself.  It may call us to do something crazy, it may cause us to rethink what the heck we're doing, but it may just make this holiday season a little more enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. Did you hear about the woman who pepper-sprayed people so she could get an X-Box on the cheap? They're going over receipts and security footage to try and track her down now. The adrenaline in those shopping lines is palpable and scary.
