Monday, March 31, 2014


     This Daniel Plan is long as you never leave the house, have a party to go to, get some crazy things on your schedule, or do anything besides walk the dog, eat, go to work, eat, do the dishes and go to bed!
      In the last two days I have gone to two different parties - one for my daughter's birthday and one for my niece's.  Shockingly, at these parties, their idea of dessert is not Greek yogurt with muesli!  My sister had a cake that was made to look like a minion - a real minion!  People are eating rice and beans, combos, chips.  They're drinking....stuff besides water!
       And one thought crosses my mind - why am I on this Daniel Plan?  In fact, when asked yesterday if I was going to keep doing this after Lent was over, I said, "Yes......and just suck it up until I die."
       Again, I'm losing a lot of weight - down to 166.5 from 191, I don't feel hungry, I don't have as much energy as before but it's not like I'm Lazy Leon!  But, boy I didn't realize the social aspects of this healthy eating thing.
        People really kind of get mad at you when you eat this crazy healthy food.  A lot of people tell you that you don't have to do this.  At work, at home, all over people suddenly have graduated from Healthy Living U.
        And I'm already mad because I'm eating nuts and apples and they're eating combos and chips.  So, I guess I've got to come up with a plan.
        1) I asked God to not make eating such a big deal for me.  Why do I even care if I don't drink a Coke or eat pizza?
       2) Once Lent is over, I will eat whatever someone has prepared - it's actually kind of rude not to.
       3) I will do the 90% / 10%.
       But, until Lent is over, I really do want to try to stick to this thing and see what happens to my body / mind.

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