Monday, March 17, 2014


      Louisville is a #4 seed!  Wait, that is a different article.
      I can't believe that for the last three days, not only have I not lost weight, I've actually gained some.  Sure, I've lost a ton since the start, but I'm pretty sure that I could be at 174 pounds and not have to spend $200 on groceries.  I'm pretty sure I could be at 174 pounds and not spend a more time preparing meals than playing with my kids.  I'm pretty sure I could be at 174 pounds and not drink celery, spinach and garlic from a blender.  I'm pretty sure I could be at 174 pounds and not have to bring my lunches and dinners to different places like a third-grader on a field trip.
      When I started the Daniel Plan, I wanted to see what it would do.  Shockingly, I've never eaten like this before in my life (I've probably prepared more meals in the last two weeks than I have in the last 42 years!).  It looks like I may have plateaued on the weight loss.  Yesterday I forgot to bring my wallet into Aldi and did a couple other goofy things.  My workouts have been less energetic, and I even got angry over something stupid yesterday.
        My life has been pretty much the same as before I went all lettuce!  It may even be going downhill.
       Obviously, I'm going to keep going.  Two weeks is not enough time to reverse 42 years of damage.  But, if it was Easter Sunday today, I would just eat cheap healthy foods, skip a lot of the food prep, and maybe (I know this is going to be difficult for some people to hear), maybe even eat some processed food.
        I will say, I've gotten into a groove with food prep and dishes.  Our counter is spotless right now and I'm making stuff in no time.  We even have kind of a little Sunday routine where we make a family menu and go shop for the stuff - Oh boy, this is what my life is coming too.  I'm excited about meal prep and dishes!
        Back to thinking about why Louisville is a #4 seed!

1 comment:

  1. I admit it, my brother is a better detoxer than I am. I put in the mandatory 10 days and have advanced to the next stage...eating healthy without wasting a car payment on food and spending more time on watching NCAA First Four games than food shopping! And maybe don't tell Jennifer this, but I had bread today...and I felt great. My workout was good even though I fasted yesterday. I was still a little lethargic, but at no point today did I feel like I was going to faint while I was standing still. And I had the best goat stew of my life! The Daniel Plan is back, although I am very motivated knowing that in four days Mark Pendergrass is probably going to throw the Daniel Plan out the window with four days of wreckless eating!
