Thursday, March 6, 2014


     It sounded like a great idea!  Use the 1 SecDailyPic app, take a picture of my bare belly for forty days straight, and see what happens.  First, the app blows!  It kept on dying on me.  Next, I AM FAT!!  LIKE DISGUSTING FAT!!!  LIKE IT WAS MORE DISGUSTING TO LOOK AT MY BELLY THAN THE DRINK A CUP OF BEETS, CELERY, GINGER ROOT AND WHATEVER THE HECK ELSE WAS IN THERE!
     I guess the camera really doesn't lie, and it's probably a good thing that I drank that same cup of junk this morning for breakfast (switched it up a little - living on the wild side!) and eating quinoa, steamed veggies and way too much apple-cider vinegar for the second day in a row (I realized quickly that those recipes are way too much food for one day, and it's not the type of food you like to gorge out on!).
     And I will say, I woke up this morning and it said I had lost 7.5 pounds since Fat Tuesday!  I love scales - they lie so much!  But, I am noticing a few things.
      As I ate yesterday.  I didn't rush.  (You almost need a break in between bites to stop from throwing up!)  I sat down and talked to my wife.  I didn't eat too much (really, who wants to eat more of that junk!).  And I didn't focus on eating.  It was quite the opposite, instead of looking forward to what I was going to eat I couldn't wait until I was done eating.
       Although, it was tough to swallow (literally - except for that stir fry thing.  I could eat that every day!), I also finished everything.  It taught me that none of this stuff is going to kill me (ok, maybe that apple-cider vinegar will lead to a slow death), and I really can't wait to see the good it's going to do for my body.
       So, I did end up taking a picture; because I want to visually see what this does.  But, more importantly, it's kind of a sign: How I viewed eating before the Daniel Plan and how that may change come Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Day Two of the Daniel Plan was a complete disaster! Usually after a day of fasting, I wake up and can't wait to get that first meal. Today, I took one drink of my morning shake and yearned for the days of eating no food. And while I may have felt like I was going to faint all day, at least the light headedness helped me escape the bad feeling in my belly as I was trying to put this food down! I have already lost 8 pounds, but for the first time in my life that I can remember, this feels like real hunger.
