Thursday morning you wake up early, go to McDonalds and fill out your brackets. At 11:15, you get all excited to stream the games live - even though you're supposed to be working. From Thursday until Friday night, your life revolves around guys named Parker, Wiggins and Drake. Saturday, you may do a few things around the house while checking in on the games and maybe even watch a few at night. Come Sunday night, you're hoping Arizona blows out Gonzaga so you can just go to bed!
It's like that with a lot of stuff. We get excited, go all hung ho, and then a couple days pass, a couple weeks, and the enthusiasm is gone!
That's where we may be in the Daniel Plan. People are not excited to hear about the foods you're eating anymore. No one cares that you just sat down to lunch with a bowl of kale. The "newness" of preparing meals, doing dishes and trying original recipes kind of wears away. And you finally finish the detox and wonder, "What do I do now?"
You've seen some results. The scale is very kind to you. Your body feels good. However, you might not say this has been life changing as far as being able to run and jump in basketball, and you've even noticed the bad attitude that usually comes when you do this type of stuff.
But, the one change you notice is that YOU CAN DO THIS! This might be something that has "lasting power." Sure, I'm not excited about eating the soup I made with all the leftover vegetables from the detox (lot of cilantro in there), but I'm looking forward to planning out my meals and seeing what this is like when I'm only eating stuff I like. And, if I'm only eight pounds away from my goal weight - what if I could keep it there? To top it off, basketball this Wednesday might not be as painful!
We're coming up on three weeks, and there have been times when I really would have liked a cookie or some pizza or snackies from the teacher's lounge, but it hasn't been crazy. It's been a sacrifice, but not a huge one. Kind of like the NCAA Tourney, you make it to Sunday night.....and you can't wait for next Thursday!
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