Monday, April 7, 2014


      Isn't that supposed to be the thing?  If you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit?  30 days right?  Well, I don't have a calendar by me, but we've got to be close.  And even if the calendar doesn't say so, you tell me if this is a habit.
       Got up yesterday, put the dishes away and made my oatmeal.  Did the dishes right after I was done.  Little later, put the dishes away, at my power bites, washed a few more dishes.  A little later, made my fish tacos (sooooo goooooood!), ate them, and did the dishes right away.  Later, I put those dishes away, started making my turkey and broccoli "sauce" for pasta, and washed the dishes.
       We went to the movies where you can eat stuff at your table.  I got water!  Went to Wendy's afterwards, I got nothing!  Came back home, made some pasta, ate it, did the dishes and went to bed. Oh yeah, I did try one of the chocolate covered bananas with walnuts too (sooooo goooood!  How could it not be good - it's chocolate and bananas!)
       And here's the big thing: I wasn't totally depressed about any of that!  30 days ago, if you would have told me I was doing dishes three times a day, preparing food for an hour, going to Wendy's and not getting anything or not having a Coke when everyone else is eating junk food, I would have said three words: "Kill me now!"
       But, with the help of sports radio, dishes are food prep - kind of fun!  And having a few unhealthy snacks every now and then (or a whole lot of them a couple days before) keeps me sane for the days when I don't have them.  And, in my mind, I've already got it planned out - have a "Last Supper" on Thursday night, start celebrating on "Easter Saturday", then on Monday have my meals ready to go.

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