Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. - Luke 4:1-2

     If we're going to treat people the way Jesus did, we've got to know who to listen to and who to RESIST!  Sometimes it can be tricky!  Sometimes the devil comes in mysterious forms - people at work, family members, neighbors, kids.  No, I'm not saying your boss is the devil or that your children are the Antichrist, but it takes a very discerning ear to determine when people are trying to lead you closer to Jesus or farther away.
      Although I was just thinking about all the times Jesus was swayed by people to do something His Father would not have liked.  I totalled them up - NEVER!  Never did he let his coworkers lead him astray.  Never did he let his friends talk him into sin.  Never did he get led down the wrong path by someone who had known him for a very long time.
       I guess that was the same with the devil.  Jesus didn't even let him distract the mission.  Jesus was able to treat people the way He did because He was clear on what He was supposed to do.  We have to be clear too!  And then we have to be prepared to RESIST when the devil comes knocking.
       There's one thing I know for sure.  The devil would like nothing better than for you to treat others way differently than Jesus did.  In fact, that may be his best strategy.  Breaking up the kingdom one person at a time.  It's our job not to let him.

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