Friday, May 13, 2011


In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pldeged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. - Luke 1:27

     Sorry I missed yesterday, but blogger wasn't working....and I really didn't have anything good to write, so we skipped.  But, if you do want to read all of Luke, you may want to go with 1:1-38 today.
     So, we said we're going to use Luke as a way to figure out how Jesus treated people, but today Jesus is just a thought in His Father's brain or spirit or whatever God puts His thoughts in.  So, let's learn a little bit from God.
      When he thought of this whole Jesus plan, do you think He forgot a few of the details?  Think about it - a virgin who isn't even married, and she's going to be impregnated with God's Son?  What will the people think?  An unmarried young girl - pregnant?  Today, no big deal.  But, back then - you got stoned for stuff like that!  But, guess what, God doesn't care.  He doesn't even let the "what will people think" idea pop into His head, or spirit or whatever. 
      Then, later, Mary says to the angel, "I am the Lord's servant.  May it be to me as you have said."  Was she scared?  Yes!  Did she totally understand? No!  But did she care what other people would say? No! 
     Notice, she didn't say, "OK, just wait until after we're married and then I'm in!"  She didn't say, "God, what will people think when I'm an unwed mother?"  No!  As a teenage girl who was about to have something happen to her that would totally ruin her reputation, she might have had a little concern, but she forgoes to right to care so that she can do what God wants.
      So, Rule #1 is something that I could use a little kick in the pants for - DON'T BE AFRAID OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!  If we're gonna treat people the way Jesus did, we can't be afraid of what someone else might say.  In fact, if you look at His life, there wasn't a lot of concern about the feelings of others.  He just did what He knew the Father had planned.  That's it! 

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