Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not seperate." - Mark 10:9
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Mark 10:14

     I just read Mark 10 and 11.  It talked about Palm Sunday, Jesus knocking over the Temple tables, the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus killing of a fig tree (I guess He's not a big fan of Fig Newtons), and Jesus playing "Stump the Pharisees."  There are a lot of huge theological issues in there - but I'm not smart enough to discuss those, so let me talk about something that really matters - FAMILY!
      I'm not saying it matters to me, FAMILY matters to Jesus!  And we are all part of a family.  We all interact (or choose not to) with a family - and inevitably that leads to interaction with children.  How we do that is crucial - according to Jesus.
      I just talked to a man at the homeless shelter today about how him and his wife couldn't get along any more.  It was an impossible situation.  Maybe it was, but I think Jesus might say, "Nothing is impossible with God" (actually read that today)!  As a substitute teacher, I see tons of kids who don't seem to be valued by their parents - and sometimes their substitute teachers.  Jesus would say, "bring them to me, I'll show them how valuable they are!" 
      As hard as we work in volunteering at church, or helping the poor, or leading Bible studies, or doing our private times - We should work as hard with our families.  Jesus knows it's gonna be tough.  Jesus knows that when you get that many people together there are going to be problems.  But Jesus is also saying, "This is some imporant chiz!"  (Chiz is an iCarly ( term meaning about the same as the word "stuff")
     I've got a ToDo list today.  Most of it is focused on stuff I've got to do for my house or my school / church "jobs" - maybe I should add a few things for the family!  Maybe, LIFE TO THE FULL starts in the home first with whoever we call family!

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