Friday, February 28, 2014


     Have you ever met a person who goes the extra mile?  You know, the kind of person who doesn't settle for doing something good, they make it great!  It's doing the small thing that takes whatever you're doing from ordinary to memorable.
     We were just talking about the last time we saw my mom.  It was after a play Grace had done.  Luisa and I decided we weren't going to go to Culvers for the second night in a row.  So, Grace, Sofia,  and Luisa headed for home while I picked up some things my mom had for me in her car.
      As I drove home, my mom pulled up next to me on Main Street.  She rolled down her window and said, "Does that mean I can't just buy them ice cream for you to take home?"
      We were going to Culvers!  But, my mom was in the left-hand turn lane!  She turned left on Roosevelt, had to do a U-turn to get back to Main, and when we finally met at Culvers, it was time to order.
      It's like 8:30 at night.  The girls are going to bed as soon as they eat this.  So, what does my mom order - the two largest Concrete Mixers they have.  Not only was she willing to ask the question, not only did she do a complete turn-around to make it happen, she didn't settle for the small - SHE WENT GREAT!
      Yesterday, we ordered the biggest Concrete Mixers we could - we did not forget that moment!  And Jesus didn't either.
      Remember that time he went into Simon's house and the lady is kissing his feet, drying them with her hair and pouring perfume on them?  Not only did He forgive her, but He made her an example of what true devotion is.  SHE WENT GREAT!
     So, today, when we're tempted to do the safe, ordinary, easy thing - don't!  GO GREAT!

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