Monday, February 10, 2014


       We had a long talk (ok, like ten minutes) about if God cares about your body.  I'm still not sure it's all that crucial and that God is really more concerned with how you treat people and build the kingdom.  But, as I went to bed last night, a bigger question came to my mind.
       I realized yesterday that I'm white trash (alright, I've known that ever since I saw my first blow-up in Romeoville).  But, growing up we kind of made fun of the rich people or the folks that spent a lot of money on things.  And, as a kid who didn't have all the cool clothes or cool things (like CD players!) there was a little jealousy or resentment or something against people who did.  Anyway, even to this day I have an affinity for white trash type of people (by the way, the color of your skin has nothing to do with white trash).  And when I am around different type of people sometimes I feel the need to prove myself or there's just an insecure feeling that comes with being in that situation.
      I also realized that I feel this need to stand-up for the white trash way.  I'm not exactly sure what that way is or what I'm standing up for, but deep down there somewhere I think I'm doing it.  And really, if I'm going to be totally honest - I think I'm like a lot of people who just want to prove whatever they are doing is better than what everyone else is doing.
      The point is - I don't react well with people who are different than me or think different than me.  My first inclination is to prove I'm right or better than that person.  Over and over in my mind I will try to justify what I'm doing and think of all the ways I'm right.  Sometimes, I'll even just keep on doing it, even though I know I'm wrong, to prove a point.
       Instead of focusing on another's opinion and how I could change to be more like Christ, I just want to prove my, let's say, worthiness.
       I don't know how you do this.  How do you look at someone who does stuff differently than you do and just respect that and agree to disagree?  How do you just think, "Well, we've got different views on stuff - no one is better than the other.  I'm not better than them and they are not better than me. We're just different."  How do you walk into situations trying to learn about other ways of doing things or other opinions without having to prove yours?
      God may care more about how we take care of our bodies than I realize, and that's ok.  He made us the way we are for a reason - each of us.

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