Thursday, December 29, 2011


     Get rid of your kids for three days and yo too can finish the whole gospel of John!

     After Drew Brees set the record for most passing yards in a season, he gave a speech to his team.  In it, he told them he loved them like three times, he told them they were all a part of this record, he told them that he couldn't think of a better group of guys to share this with.  They are a team.  He is for them, they are for him.  Everything they do, they do together.  He helps them.  They help him!
      As I read this morning, I got the same feeling about me and Jesus.  (Little known fact: They used to call Drew Brees "Breesus" when he had long hair, so he cut it!).  But, over and over, Jesus tells his disciples that He's with them.  Over and over He tells them that they will stick together till the end of time.  Over and over He tells them about the great things they are going to do together. 
     Here's the great news!  If you're reading this, YOU'RE A DISCIPLE TOO! Jesus is with you!  Jesus and you are gonna stick together for all of eternity!  Jesus and you are going to do great things! 
     Heck, we all mess up.  We all lack a little bit in the talent areas.  We all do some stupid stuff.  But, Jesus assures us - it's not about us....and it's not only about Him.  It's about both of us working together - and He's not leaving no matter what! 
     So, ask Jesus what He wants to do today, and then have a blast doing it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


     Whenever I use these words, the family gets a little nervous: TWO CHOICES (It's a long story!  Actually, it's not a long story, just very inappropriate!)
      But, I read another 5 chapters in John today, and for a book that has a whole lot of Yoda-like ways to say stuff, things really start to make sense.
      You're either with Him or against Him.  Your father is either God or Satan.  You are either of the Spirit or the Flesh.  You either have life or have a lie. 
     There really are only two choices - and nothing in this world matters!  Ok, I shouldn't say that.  There are things in this world that matter: family, friends, fantasy football.  But, Jesus makes it perfectly clear that what is really important is THE KINGDOM!  It changes everything!
      As I was reading, it hit me - the best thing I can do today is choose to follow the one who gives life.  I think I'm going to do that.

Monday, December 26, 2011


     Almost a year-ago today, five of us sat around a table, did shots of Cockta and made New Year's Resolutions.  I had eight of them: Only one Speedway a week, have Bob over for dinner once a month, one day a week with no sports radio - I won't go on because I didn't keep a one of them.....EXCEPT: READ ALL THE GOSPELS. 
     I've only got John to go, and if I read 4 chapters a day I can meet my goal.  So, today I read five and I figured I should give the same grace to people who are out there.
     Here's my deal:  Pick one Resolution that you made on Dec 31, 2010 and do it for the next five days.  Then, COUNT IT!  At least get one in!  We should all accomplish one of our goals from last year before setting some new ones to break in 2012!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


"Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?" Luke 24:5
     The starting line is Christmas.  God comes to man.  He comes to live with us so as to    know what it's like to be human!  He let's us see how He would act if He was in our place.
     The finish line is Easter.  Jesus rises from the dead.  He shows His power.  He shows our hope.  He gives us eternal life.
     As we celebrate Christmas let us do so in light of both the start and the finish.  But wait.....
     CHRISTMAS ISN'T THE STARTING POINT, EASTER ISN'T THE END!  God has been working through people for thousands of years before and after each.  The story of Christmas is not just about Jesus - it's God with us!  We are all in this together.  The story of Christmas is still going, we are still writing it with our lives, worked out in harmony with God's.  

"You must be the only person in Jerusalem who hasn't heard about all the things that have happened over the last few days."  
"What things?" Jesus asked.
     Do you think Jesus had a little smart-aleck in Him?  I guess it depends on how you "see" Him saying this, but in my mind he's got a little Mr. Roper smile on his face as He says this.  Later, he even says, "You foolish people!"  Jesus either has an edge or is just the fun-loving, likes to joke around, isn't afraid to bust a little ____________ kind of guy.  I'll take a little of the former with a whole bunch of the later; because that would make Him a lot more like me.

"And they spent all of their time in the temple praising God."  - Luke 24:53
       Guess what the disciples did after they realized Jesus had risen from the dead.  All day, every day - praising God at the temple.  
       Guess what we all know too.  The good news is that we don't have to go to the temple.  We can praise God at school, our workplace, the Jewel or in our own homes.  And we don't have to do it solely with song, prayers and Bible reading.  We have our hands, our feet, our mouths, our brains!  We can praise God by the way we treat others, by what we decide to do!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Luke 22:1-24:1

     Do you have something that you always get excited about?  I do!  These are no fail, no doubt about it, no matter the day or time - I wake up looking forward to these things:

1) Football on Sundays
2) Reading about football on Sundays.
3) Having time to just be by myself.
4) Enjoying that free time at McDonalds with my laptop.
5) Enjoying a frosty Coca-Cola; especially if it's at McDonalds during that free time!
6) Having enough time at the gym where I don't have to rush.

     Again, if I wake up and one of those things is going to happen, I am ready to go.  I wake up with a good feeling in my belly.  In fact, I look forward to it for some days in advance.
     But, what happens when these things don't do it anymore?  What if I'm dropping off my kids with our friends, going to the gym, having free time at McDonalds, reading about football on a Fantasy Football Sunday.....AND I'M STILL NOT EXCITED!  What if the things that excite you all the time don't?  All the things that usually put you in a good mood aren't working.
     That's where I was at today.  So, I still went to McDonalds, ordered a pop, brought my laptop.  But instead of reading Matthew Berry's "Love / Hate" column (a fantasy football article), I popped in my headphones, turned on some Christmas music and read about the Jesus dying on the cross.  As I type this, I feel a lot better, and I may even be a bit more excited about those other things too!

P.S. I know the things that excite me are immature and silly - don't judge me!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.  But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, so that your faith should not fail." - Luke 22:31-32

     Is it troubling that Satan is trying to sift each of us like wheat?  I don't even know what that means, but it freaks the heck out of me.  Think about it.  There is a actual prince of darkness that wants bad stuff to happen to you.  There is an angel who wants nothing more to destroy you.  It would seems to me that we can't win that battle.
     But then here comes Jesus!  He's praying for us!  He's on our side!  He wants us to win!  As troubling as it is that Satan is trying to sift us, it's ten times more encouraging that Jesus doesn't want it to happen.  
     There is a battle going on, and it's a battle over us.  That's a fact, and it's a little creepy.  However, Jesus got our back.  That's also a fact and it makes everything else not even matter.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


The Last Supper - Luke 22:7-30

     That was the title of the section I was "supposed" to read today.  This year, I've been going through the Gospels, and today, a week and a half before Christmas, The Last Supper comes up.  My initial thought is, "I don't want to read about that!  It's Christmas, I want to read about something happy.  Give me a Jesus healing the blind guy or how we are more important than the flowers."  But, there it was.  So, I read it.
     And you know what?  I realized that's the cool thing about Christmas.  God came to be a man - knowing that The Last Supper was at the end of Luke.  God came to be a man - knowing the end of the story.  Kind of like our own lives- the joy of the beginning is mixed with the sorrow of the end, but they all matter.  They all make a life!  Read on!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WHAT IF.....

But before all this happens there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors, because you are my followers.- Luke 21:12

     What if today was the day?  What if some craziness started happening and anyone who followed Jesus was attacked?  What if, because of your faith, you could be killed?  What if you had to appear before large groups of people and stand up for what you believe?
      Today is a good day.  Christmas is coming!  We think about being with family.  Each day we enjoy the fact that we basically have the freedom to do most everything we want.
     However, a day is coming.  That day will not be so good.  Our faith will be put to the test.  We will have to decide what it is we really believe in!

Monday, December 12, 2011



While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich peole dropping their gifts in the collection box.  Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.  "I tell you the truth," Jesus said, "this poor widow has given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has." - Luke 21:1-4

Sometimes the story just speaks for itself!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Beware of these teachers of the religious law! - Luke 20:26

     Know anybody like this?  They like to tell you about all the great things they've done, but never ask you about what you're doing.  They like to brag about how much they go to church or help the poor, but would be the last person there if you needed a favor.  They will give a huge amount of money to a cause, but when some tough manual labor is required - adios!
     I am very weary of teachers of the religious law in my life.  They drain me!  They get me angry! They make me see why there are so many people outside the Kingdom!
     But, I guess the trick is not to focus so much on them and instead realize what inside of me is "teachers of the religious law."  Then, change it!

Friday, December 9, 2011


"Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think" - Luke 20:21

     QUIZ TIME!  Who said those words:
     a) Mary the mother of Jesus
     b) Jesus's folowers (it should be apostrophe s)
     c) The disciples
     d) The religious leaders who hated Jesus
      I don't know if they were just trying to butter him up, trying to start with that before they tricked him, trying to be sarcastic - but they said it!  It must have been a pretty widly known connoatation of Jesus - He spoke and taught what was right and wasn't influenced by the thoughts of others.
      That's what Jesus's enemies said of Him.  It would be nice if anyone said that of us!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


After that He taught daily in the temple... - Luke 19:47

    When Jesus woke up was He ever like, "Well, I think I should do this, but I don't know?"
     Did He ever get a gut feeling and think, "Huh, I wonder if I should really do this?"
     Was there a day when He would get out of bed and say, "I have no idea what is going to happen today, but I sure do hope I make the right decisions?"
     Did Jesus just know exactly what He was supposed to do at every moment?  Did He ever doubt?  Did He hope that the things  he said or did were the right things?  Did He ever "gamble" and just go for it?  Did He go through a day thinking thoughts like we do?
      A lot of us wake up and our goal really is to do what God would want us to do.  But, a lot of us struggle to know what that is.  It gets messy and confusing and downright hard sometimes to know.  I just wonder if Jesus felt the same thing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WHAT THE......

Before he left, he called together ten of his servants... - Luke 19:13

     Remember that story about the three servants who get money?  One invests it and gets double the amount back.  One invests it and make a little more.  One hides it and returns with what he got.  The master goes off on the third one and then calls everyone in who didn't want him to be king.......AND KILLS THEM ALL!
     OK, that killing part is a little troublesome, but you know what's more troubling - THERE WERE TEN PEOPLE WHO GOT MONEY.  Get out your Bible!  No really go get out your Bible and read from Luke 19:13 to the end of the story.  The king gave ten people money.  So, why does he only "collect" from three?  Did he just stop when the dude didn't make any money for him?
      I get the point of the whole thing - we are supposed to use our talents that God gives us.  What I don't get is why they start with ten and only talk about three.  
      I know Jesus used His words carefully, so there must be a reason He mentions ten at the start, but we mysteriously lose 7 of them.  Maybe you know.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


"I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!" - Luke 19:8

     I was just doing some research on A Christmas Carol.  This should have been obvious, but Charles Dickens was originally was going to write an expository essay on the evils of the greedy not sharing in the face of extreme poverty during the 1600's in London.  Instead, he wrote this story.
     Scrooge represented the many wealthy people who lived comfortably while many others struggled even to put food on the table - literally!  In fact, you might say he robbed. cheated and disgraced many people for the love of money.
     Rewind 1500 years or so!  Zaccheus rips people off as a tax collector.  When he meets Jesus he decides to give all that money back and take some more and help the poor. 
     Hmmmm!  I wonder where Charles Dickens got his idea from!
     I've got an idea.  We should all read A Christmas Carol before December 25th (I just say that because 1/2 of my clas is reading it, so I have to anyway!)

Friday, December 2, 2011



     We were at on-line church yesterday (don't ask), and, as it always does, Tim Tebow came up.  However, this time we didn't just gush over and over about how he led his team to victory....again!  This time my bro asked, "Do you think he talks too much?"
      That was a good question.  There have been times that it seems like he "forces" the Jesus thing.  But, the dude is like 20 something years old.  If he hasn't figured out the perfect balance of when to talk and when to let his walk do the talking, let's give him a little slack.
      That led to a better question though, "Should we be talking more?"
      I don't know about you, but I try not to push Jesus.  I try to let my actions speak for themselves.  I am not afraid to talk about Jesus, but I don't mention it often in typical conversations.  To be honest, that leads to not talking much about Him.
       Is that right?  I don't know.  Heck, I'm 40 and still trying to figure out when to talk and when to let my walk do the talking. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


He will be handed over to the Romans, and He will be mocked, treated shamefully, and spit upon.  They will flog Him with a whip and kill Him, but on the third dayHe will rise again. - Luke 18:32-33

      Would you really want to know your future?  Would you really want to know what is going to happen to you - the good and the bad? 
     I am not sure I would.  As I was reading this today, it struck me that Jesus had to live every day in light of the fact that at some point He was going to be brutally beaten.  That had to make it a little tough to have some PMA at the start of every day!
     I kind of like the fact that I don't know.  I kind of like waking up each morning with the rest of the day being an adventure.  I really like thinking about what I'll be doing ten years from now....and having no clue.
     Jesus didn't have that.  He was forced to wake up every day knowing the He was going to the cross.  I wonder if He would have rather not.