Thursday, January 9, 2014


     It seems like a good goal, like a good word to focus on for 2014 - RELATIONSHIPS!  I'm praying really hard (ok, it's only been one day, but I prayed my butt off last night) that our neighborhood could somehow come together again, we'd find 3-4 really solid families to bond with, and the volunteers at the homeless shelter would be plentiful and inspiring.
     Those are all things outside.  Not outside like -15 degrees outside, but outside like not in my home.  This morning I read the story about how God created man and wanted to find a suitable helper for him. He came up with woman.
      It struck me that Adam's first relationship (after dogs and horses and stuff) was with woman.  His first relationship was with his wife.  In fact, before he could even concentrate on relationships with his neighbors, or hometown or homeless shelter, he had to focus on his relationship with his wife; because none of that stuff was even there.
     Hmmm, maybe there is something to that.  God said he needed a helper suitable for man.  He didn't create a drinking buddy, didn't create a guy to watch football with, didn't create some people to volunteer with - He created a woman, and more specifically, a wife.
      Maybe I should focus on my relationship with my wife….and let God take care of all that other stuff.

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