What do High School Musical, The New Parish, The story of Joseph, Compassion International, and Carmello Anthony all have in common?
Well, I'm reading this book (guess from above which one is the book) and it's all about taking God's story, Your story, and the place where you live - factoring those into one vision for your life. Basically, their saying where you live is just as important as the Bible or your history in regard to your purpose.
Just read the story of Joseph today and it talked about how God blessed everything he did because God was with him. Sold as a slave into Potiphar's house - God blesses him. Thrown in jail - God blesses him. Wherever he was, whatever he did - God blessed it!
Then I wrote my Compassion kid about how different the places we live must be, and how it would it be weird for both of us if we switched places. But, then I wrote about how God put us where he did for a reason.
And last night, I watched High School Musical - mostly because my daughter and niece wanted us all to watch (but I have to admit, even when they fell asleep I finished that bad boy!). I am going to say it: High School Musical has the most powerful message of any movie I've ever seen! The last scene comes on and everyone is singing, "We're all in this together." Basketball players are dancing with braniacs. Drama folks are dancing with skaters. Troy gives Kelsey the game ball, Ryan and Shapree congratulate the basketball team, Zeke gives Sharpay cookies, Mrs. Darbus and Coach Bolton enjoy each other's success, AND EVERYONE WORKS TOGETHER TO MAKE EVERYONE ELSE'S LIFE BETTER. They each use their gifts and talents to help each other - no matter who they are!
So, how does Carmello fit into all this. Here's what I would tell him. Your place matters. Choose wisely! Maybe even more importantly, let God help you and trust that wherever you land God has you there for a reason. Then, when you get there work together for greatness - for everyone! Not just the team, the fans or your family, but you have the power to dramatically influence all those around you. AND SO DO WE ALL!
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