Friday, May 16, 2014


     God said, "Abraham!"
     Notice there is an exclamation point after it.  Kind of like when your wife says your name or your kid when they need something.  It wasn't like, "What's up Abraham?"  It was "Abraham!"
     So, I'm trying to take the fact that the Creator of the Universe said it, and think about how I react in those situations.
When someone yells my name, do I...
      a) Respond with "Here I am!"
      b) Say negative things in my head, but then say "Here I am!"
      c) Respond in a way that may sound nice on some planets, but everyone pretty much knows I'm just being a jerk.

      I pretty much waver between "b" and "c".  Heck, it doesn't even take someone yelling my name these days.  More and more, I see myself getting angry at the stupidest things.  Someone can ask me to do something nicely and I get all %^^&*&^^&*&^!  Last night, I got all frustrated because balloons and streamers weren't sticking to the walls.  It was my stupid idea to put up the streamers and balloons.  I didn't have to do it, and I got angry because of the extra effort I'd have to put in.
      When I read about Abraham responding, "Here I am!" it made me think.  Am I a "Here I am!" type person.  I think you can tell by the last 150 words - right now, NO!  But, I want to be.
      I want to be at work (easier).  I want to be when I tutor (easier). I want to be at the homeless shelter (getting easier).  And I want to be at home (that's the kicker).
      But to get there I've got to start changing the stories I put into my head.  Everyone is not a selfish, lazy jerk just trying to make life easier for themselves.  When things don't go exactly as planned my only response does not have to be anger.  My life may actually be better if I just "lose myself" and put others in front of my "needs."
       A couple of weeks ago, a guy talked about this stuff at church.  I never thought about it, but that's one of the hugest things God can do - allow you to change the stories you are putting in your head.  He can show you the truth.  Once I start seeing that, maybe I'll be able to circle "a".

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