Call it old age. Call it a slump. Call it just getting tired. But somewhere in the last 6 years or so, I forgot something.
I forgot that my life meant a lot (yours does too!). I forgot that I had a purpose on this earth that could dramatically impact millions of people or even just one (you do too!). I forgot that I have passions and talents that can be used to radically change people's lives for the good (so do you!). I forgot that from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, what I do matters (it matters for you too!). I forgot that people are counting on me to be a great husband or dad or son or brother or teacher or leader (someone's counting on you too!). I forgot that the goal of my day should not be comfort but compassion (you might want to try that too!). I forgot that there are more important things in life than seeing a game or what I'm going to have for lunch (ok, I might be a little off on this one!). I forgot that I'm a role model to someone (and you are too!). I forgot that God didn't just send me down here to be average (you're not average either!). I forgot that each and every day is a gift, and gifts should make other people happy (you're a gift!). And I forgot that I have come so that they might have life and have it to the full (that could be your goal too!).
The problem with getting old is that it's a lot easier to forget stuff. That's not a big deal if you forget to pick up some toilet paper while shopping for dinner (well, I guess that depends on what you're having for dinner!). But, it is a big deal when you start wasting days or putting off really important things for not so important things. And it's a big, monstrous, humongous deal when those people whose lives you were supposed be changing for the good - well, they're lives aren't being changed.
I started up this blog again because I didn't want to forget, and I don't want you to forget either. We were made for something special and our lives matter to a whole bunch of people. We have passions, a purpose and talents that were given to us for a reason. Everyday we wake up is the start of a new adventure in which we get to see how those play out! Don't forget that!